Weekly Notes: 01.19.2023

Coming Up This Week:

Thursday 1/19/2023 - WG Rehearsal 5:30pm-9pm (@ KIS), WP Rehearsal 6pm-9pm

Friday 1/20/2023 - Percussion Ensemble w/ Mr. Malatesta 3:30-5:30pm

Monday 1/23/2023 - JB Rehearsal 5:30pm-7:30pm

Tuesday 1/24/2023 - WG Rehearsal (@Liberty Elementary) 5:30pm-9pm, WP Rehearsal 6pm-9pm

Thursday 1/26/2023 - WG Rehearsal 5:30pm-9pm (@ KIS), WP Rehearsal 6pm-9pm

Friday - 1/27/2023 - Percussion Ensemble w/ Mr. Malatesta 3:30-5:30pm, WP Rehearsal 6pm-9pm

Saturday 1/28/2023 - WP/WG SJVCGPR Show #1 @ Clovis West - 10am-5pm

Next Week(s):

Monday 1/30/2023 - JB Rehearsal 5:30pm-7:30pm

Tuesday 1/31/2023 - WG Rehearsal (@KIS) 5:30pm-9pm, Chamber Concert 7pm @ PAC

Wednesday 2/1/2023 - WP Rehearsal 3:30pm-6pm

Thursday 2/2/2023 - WG Rehearsal 5:30pm-9pm (@ KIS), WP Rehearsal 6pm-9pm

Friday - 2/3/2023 - Percussion Ensemble w/ Mr. Malatesta 3:30-5:30pm, WP Rehearsal 6pm-9pm

SJVCGPR Show #1 Volunteers Needed - Saturday 1/28 

Clovis West Instrumental Music is co-hosting the SJVCGPR (San Joaquin Valley Color Guard and Percussion Review) competition on Saturday, January 28th, right here in the West Gym at Clovis West High School! As a co-host, we provide volunteers to help the event run smoothly and for this we share in the profits. This is a very profitable fundraiser for our entire instrumental music program.

At this competition, we are in charge of staffing the gym during the percussion portion of the event. Adult and student volunteers are needed. No skills are required, and this is a great way for you to get involved and meet some new people while experiencing another area of our instrumental music program that you might not be familiar with. Bonus - every volunteer receives a free entrance pass to check out the performances.

Volunteer opportunities include ticket and merchandise sales, staffing entrance and exit doors, and assisting with spectator traffic flow. Since the funds raised from hosting these events benefit the entire CW Instrumental Music program, we strongly encourage everyone to participate – band families, orchestra families, jazz band families, and of course, percussion and color guard families. 

Sign up here: https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=clovwhsb&v=5683643

If you are interested in attending the competition and supporting our Color Guard and Percussion students Saturday - please consider volunteering for free admission, but if you are unable to volunteer and still would like to attend, the schedule of performances is available at this link.

Dinner Night Feb 8- Papi’s Mex Grill Enchilada & Taco Trays

Mark your calendars! Wednesday February 8th will be our next Fundraiser Dinner Night. Trays of enchiladas or tacos will be available from Papi’s Mex Grill (located at Champlain & Shepherd) for $45 per tray. All trays must be preordered on the Papi’s website. We will share the link to order your trays as soon as it is available, so keep an eye on your inbox in the coming weeks! 

Winter Percussion and Winter Guard Voluntary Pledge Forms

Winter percussion pledge forms were due on December 22nd and Winter Guard forms were due January 19th (today). If your student is participating in Winter Percussion or guard, please ensure that they have completed this form and turn it in to the band office box ASAP.

Next Monthly General Parent Meeting - Wednesday 2/1 @ 7pm

We appreciate everyone who joined us for our first monthly meeting of the 2023 calendar year last week. Many good and productive conversations happened, and our program is better for it. We would like to invite all interested parents to our next general parent meeting which will occur every first Wednesday of the month. The next one is on Wednesday 2/1/2023. We will hear from committees on reports of the goings on of the past month, look ahead at upcoming events and opportunities, and have general discussion about ways that we can support the students of the Clovis West Instrumental Music Program. Please join us Wednesday 2/1 at 7pm!

“March 4 Music” Fundraiser: Saturday March 4, 2023 

This special event will be held on Saturday, March 4, 2023 at Fort Washington Country Club for guests ages 21+. This fun evening will include dinner, no-host cocktails, as well as live and silent auctions. All proceeds benefit the Clovis West Instrumental Music Program and our amazing student musicians!

Purchase Tickets, Reserve a Table, or Sign up to Sponsor the Event: http://cloviswest.cwaim.org/store/march-4-music-event-tickets-sponsorships 

Auction Items Needed for “March 4 Music” Fundraiser

One of the ways we are planning to raise funds at “March 4 Music” is to hold both silent and live auctions at the event. We hope to find 75-100 items valued at $30 or more for the silent auction, and we hope to find 5 or more items valued at $750 or more for the live auction. We hope you can donate items, or approach local businesses to donate items or services to be auctioned off! 

If you are able to donate auction items, please fill out the Google Form linked below as soon as possible! We will collect the pledged items a few days before the March 4th event. 

Sign up to donate auction items: https://forms.gle/AnFHXHyY2xu6vUus8 

See the list of responses:: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FXClO6dU79Bw0R8MFT16hfgtyMLhOzIDoNa-tOfNe4s/edit?usp=sharing 


You can now purchase T-shirts and other apparel online at http://cloviswest.cwaim.org/store! Show your support for CW Instrumental Music! 

CWAIM Handbook

Our 2022-2023 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2022. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form last week, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. If you need a hard copy of either of these please have your student ask in class. Thanks!

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wish list above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Weekly Notes 12.15.2022

Coming Up This Week:

Thursday 12/15 - WP Rehearsal 6:00-9:00pm, CG Rehearsal @ 7:00-9:00pm

Tuesday 12/20- WP Rehearsal 6:00-9:00pm, CG Rehearsal @  Liberty Elementary 5:30-9:00pm

Thursday 12/22 - WP Rehearsal 6:00-9:00pm, CG Rehearsal @ KIS 5:30-9:00pm

Next Week(s):

12/24/22-1/9/23 Winter Break

Saturday 1/7/2023 - WP Winter Percussion Camp 9am-8pm

Monday 1/9/2023 - WP Winter Percussion Camp 9am-5pm

Saturday 1/14/2023- FMCMEA Honor Concerts @ PAC, 3:00pm (Orchestra) & 6:00pm (Band).

Concert Credit / Service Hours

Just a friendly reminder that Concert Credit and Service Hours are due soon. If you or your student has not yet completed these, ask any director for suggestions on how to complete these. Full details on each of these requirements are available in the handbook. Forms are available outside the Band Office or online at http://cloviswest.cwaim.org/forms-grading-expectations 

Winter Percussion Important Information

Winter percussion members will be receiving important information tonight or Friday during class pertaining to the upcoming season. Please watch for these forms and return them as soon as possible so we can make accurate plans for the upcoming season. (note front ensemble members will not be meeting tonight)

General Parent Meeting - Wednesday 1/11 at 7pm

We would like to invite all of you to a general parent meeting where we can update parents on the work that has been done through the fall semester in committees and how you can get involved this semester as we move into winter and spring. Please join us, especially if you are looking for ways you could help support your students through the course of the year.

FMCMEA Rehearsal Information 

The FMCMEA Honor Band and Symphony Orchestra will be rehearsing at the PAC on Friday January 13th from 9am - 4pm and on Saturday January 14th from 9am - 12pm. 

The FMCMEA Honor Symphony Orchestra concert will be Saturday January 14th 3pm at the PAC. The FMCMEA Honor Band concert will be Saturday January 14th 6pm at the PAC. Both performances will count for spring semester concert credit. Consider attending both events to support your peers who are performing! 

“March 4 Music” Fundraiser: Saturday March 4, 2023 

We have a special adult event planned for Saturday, March 4. Please mark your calendar for a fun evening at Ft. Washington Country Club that will benefit all of Clovis West Instrumental Music! More details to follow soon!

Monthly Fundraising Committee Meeting (open to all) Tuesday 1/17 @ 7pm

Our fundraising committee will be holding a monthly meeting on Tuesday 1/17 at 7pm in the lecture hall. As with our last meeting, a big topic of discussion will be the above mentioned March 4 Music event, as well as our pancakes and performances fundraiser on May 6th. We have many big things to plan and fundraise for. If you are interested in helping to lower the cost burden of our students and families face please plan to attend.


You can now purchase T-shirts and other apparel online at http://cloviswest.cwaim.org/store! Show your support for CW Instrumental Music! 

CWAIM Handbook

Our 2022-2023 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2022. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form last week, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. If you need a hard copy of either of these please have your student ask in class. Thanks!

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wish list above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Weekly Notes 11.17.2022

Coming Up This Week:

Thursday 11/17 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Friday 11/18 - MB Bag Check dropoff for WBA Championships 3:20pm, MB FB Playoffs at Lamonica (Report to CW Bandroom at 5:00pm)

Sat & Sun 11/19-20- MB WBA Championships in SoCal 9:45am-approx midnight sunday evening.

Mon-Fri 11/21-25 Thanksgiving Break (No School)

Friday 11/25 - Possible MB Football Valley Championships (TBD, dependent on the outcome of game on 11/18)

Next Week(s):

Monday 11/28 - Percussion Ensemble Practice 3:20-6:15pm

Tuesday 11/29- MB Awards Banquet 6pm

Wednesday 11/30 - ALL Pieology Fundraiser - All Day

Thursday 12/1 - JB Fresno State Jazz Festival 9:40am-5pm

Saturday 12/3 - MB Children’s Electric Parade 4:00pm

Saturday 12/10- WS/SB/CB/SO/CO/JB/CG “Sounds of the Season” Concert @ PAC, 7:00pm, FMCMEA Auditions

FMCMEA Audition Registration Deadline

Band and Orchestra students have an amazing opportunity to audition for and perform with some of the highest level musicians in our area by auditioning for the Fresno Madera County Music Educators Association Honor Bands and Orchestras. Audition information is available at fmcmea.org and registration to audition must be completed by 11/30/2022. If you have questions please contact you/your student’s director.

Concert Credit / Service Hours

Just a friendly reminder that Concert Credit and Service Hours are due soon. If you or your student has not yet completed these, ask any director for suggestions on how to complete these. Full details on each of these requirements are available in the handbook.

Marching Band Info Needed ASAP!

In preparation for a possible championship playoff game over Thanksgiving Break, we need EVERY marching band student's parent or guardian to verify their plans for the upcoming evening of Friday 11/25. Should our team win this Friday, any students who are in town and available are expected to participate in the championship game which will occur on 11/25. We need this information by 2pm TOMORROW 11/18 in order to make accurate plans and coordinate with offices that will close next week. Please take a moment to fill out our form to let us know your plans. The form is available here: https://forms.gle/vCL1S9dxpFnJuJ9UA

The Marching Band Awards Banquet 

The Marching Band Awards Banquet is Tuesday, November 29 at 6:00pm. Dinner is a pasta dinner catered by Piazza Del Pane. Dinner is available for purchase for $10 for marching band students and $20 for adults/guests. All students are expected to attend the banquet. If the dinner cost is an obstacle, please speak with Mr. Chesi.

Ordering your tickets is a 2-step process! Please make sure you complete both steps! 

Step 1: Reserve your tickets by filling out the Google form https://forms.gle/b7STWW1rtm1sSiEr5

Step 2: Pay for your tickets! You can either drop off cash or check to the CW Band Room Office (checks payable to CW Foundation/CWAIM) or pay online by ‘purchasing’ tickets on the CWAIM Web Store:  http://cloviswest.cwaim.org/store 

Parents who choose not to purchase tickets to the banquet will still be able to attend. We expect the awards portion of the evening to begin at approximately 6:45pm.

Pieology Fundraiser! (11/30)

Our Pieology fundraiser is Wednesday, November 30th at the Pieology on Friant. Please share this flyer with your friends and family! 

Jazz Band Performs at Fresno State Jazz Festival Thursday 12/1

Our Jazz Band students will be performing at the Fresno State Jazz Festival on Thursday 12/1 at 3:30pm. Students will be bussed to and from Fresno State, but if you would like to join us please email cloviswestmusic@gmail.com with the subject line “Chaperone Request - Jazz 12/1”

WBA Championships 11/19-11/20

Students will need to either drop off all bags and items traveling with them on Friday 11/18 after school (before the football game) or at 8am on Saturday morning for bag checks. We expect all students to arrive for departure at 9:45 with no additional bags or items. Students will be returning to campus at approximately midnight on sunday evening. They will need a sack lunch for Saturday and we recommend bringing $25-$40 for additional food/concessions/souvenirs throughout the weekend.

Kastner Instrumental Music Concert December 2nd 

The Kastner Intermediate Instrumental Music Winter Concert will be on Friday December 2nd. We encourage you to come out and show your support for our future Golden Eagles! 

‘Sounds of the Season’ Auction Items

Please save the date for our annual Sounds of the Season concert on Saturday, December 10. We will be soliciting auction items. If you'd like to help, please contact Jennifer McDougal at jenmcdougal@sbcglobal.net.

Save the Date! Adult Fundraiser Event: Saturday March 4, 2023 

We have a special adult event planned for Saturday, March 4. Please mark your calendar for a fun evening at Ft. Washington Country Club. More details to follow soon!

Marching Band Trip Payments Were Due 11/4 

There are a few families that have not turned in trip payments as specified on trip forms. Please turn these in or contact us if you are unable to make a payment at this time.

Off Campus Medication Form

The district requires any student who will be bringing medications with them (both prescription and over-the-counter) to have the attached form completed and signed by a doctor and their parent and turned in to the school nurse before the field trip. If the student would like to carry the medication with them, the doctor must check off the “self-carry” box on the form. If self-carry is not specified, the teacher will have to carry and dispense the medication for the student as prescribed by the doctor. All medications must be in the original labeled containers (no pill boxes or plastic baggies). This form is available in the health office and was emailed last week to all marching band families in a separate email.


You can now purchase T-shirts and other apparel online at http://cloviswest.cwaim.org/store! Show your support for CW Instrumental Music! 

CWAIM Handbook

Our 2022-2023 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2022. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form last week, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. If you need a hard copy of either of these please have your student ask in class. Thanks!

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

Charms Calendar Sync Issues

Charms has implemented some changes that may mean you might now not see events further than 90 days in the future on your synced personal device. If this is happening to you, you can delete the calendar and re-sync by following the directions on our webpage at http://cloviswest.cwaim.org/calendar.

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wish list above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Weekly Notes 11.10.2022

Coming Up This Week:

Friday 11/11 - No School / No Rehearsal (Veterans Day)

Saturday 11/12- MB WBA Viking Classic @ Kingsburg HS 10:30am-11:00PM

Monday 11/14 - MB Rehearsal 3:45-6:45pm, CO Area Orchestra Concert, 5:45pm-8:30pm

Tuesday 11/15 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm, Cookie Dough Fundraiser Delivery

Wednesday 11/16- WS Area Band Concert 5:30-8:30pm

Thursday 11/17 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Friday 11/18 - MB Bag Check dropoff for WBA Championships 3:20pm, MB FB Playoffs (TBD - likely 5:30pm VMS)

Sat & Sun 11/19-20- MB WBA Championships in SoCal 9:45am-approx midnight sunday evening.

Next Week(s):

Mon-Fri 11/21-25 Thanksgiving Break (No School)

Friday 11/25 - MB Football Valley Championships (TBD)

Tuesday 11/29- MB Awards Banquet

Thursday 12/1 - JB Fresno State Jazz Festival 9:40am-5pm

Saturday 12/3 - MB Children’s Electric Parade 4pm

Area Concerts This Week

Our chamber orchestra and wind symphony students will be participating in area concerts this week at the PAC. While we would love to see all of you at these performances, they are targeted toward our 5th grade and 6th grade families. As such, we request that you do not attend these performances to make sure there is room for elementary students and families. We will have an excellent opportunity for you to hear ALL of our instrumental groups perform at the sounds of the season concert on December 10th - save the date and we hope to see you there!

The Marching Band Awards Banquet 

The Marching Band Awards Banquet is Tuesday, November 29 at 6:00pm. Dinner is a pasta dinner catered by Piazza Del Pane. Dinner is available for purchase for $10 for marching band students and $20 for adults/guests. All students are expected to attend the banquet. If the dinner cost is an obstacle, please speak with Mr. Chesi.

Ordering your tickets is a 2-step process! Please make sure you complete both steps! 

Step 1: Reserve your tickets by filling out the Google form https://forms.gle/b7STWW1rtm1sSiEr5

Step 2: Pay for your tickets! You can either drop off cash or check to the CW Band Room Office (checks payable to CW Foundation/CWAIM) or pay online by ‘purchasing’ tickets on the CWAIM Web Store:  http://cloviswest.cwaim.org/store 

Parents who choose not to purchase tickets to the banquet will still be able to attend. We expect the awards portion of the evening to begin at approximately 6:45pm.

Cookie Dough Delivery on Tuesday 11/15/22 (New Date)

NOTE NEW DATE - If you sold any cookie dough or other perishable items, they will be now delivered to campus on Tuesday November 15th sometime during the day. Please plan to pick up your items by the end of the school day, as they are perishable and will thaw as they sit. As the seller, you are responsible for making final delivery, and you need to make sure you don’t ruin the product due to spoilage. We will contact everyone when the deliveries arrive. 

Cookie dough trip credit has also been added to you/your student’s charms ledger. 

We also need volunteers to assist with distribution. If you are able to help please sign up at https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=clovwhsb&v=5637102

Jazz Band Performs at Fresno State Jazz Festival Thursday 12/1

Our Jazz Band students will be performing at the Fresno State Jazz Festival on Thursday 12/1 at 3:30pm. Students will be bussed to and from Fresno State, but if you would like to join us please email cloviswestmusic@gmail.com with the subject line “Chaperone Request - Jazz 12/1”

WBA Championships 11/19-11/20

We are still seeking more chaperone help for WBA championships (but we are close). When that is finalized we will release itinerary information and details. For now - tickets are available by clicking the buy tickets link on the event webpage: https://westernbands.org/events/details.php?ID=584

Students will need to either drop off all bags and items traveling with them on Friday 11/18 after school (before the football game) or at 8am on Saturday morning for bag checks. We expect all students to arrive for departure at 9:45 with no additional bags or items. Students will be returning to campus at approximately midnight on sunday evening. They will need a sack lunch for Saturday and we recommend bringing $25-$40 for additional food/concessions/souvenirs throughout the weekend.

‘Sounds of the Season’ Auction Items

Please save the date for our annual Sounds of the Season concert on Saturday, December 10. We will be soliciting auction items. If you'd like to help, please contact Jennifer McDougal at jenmcdougal@sbcglobal.net.

Save the Date! Adult Fundraiser Event: Saturday March 4, 2023 

We have a special adult event planned for Saturday, March 4. Please mark your calendar for a fun evening at Ft. Washington Country Club. More details to follow soon!

Marching Band Trip Payments Were Due 11/4 

There are a few families that have not turned in trip payments as specified on trip forms. Please turn these in or contact us if you are unable to make a payment at this time.

Off Campus Medication Form (CWMB)

The district requires any student who will be bringing medications with them (both prescription and over-the-counter) to have the attached form completed and signed by a doctor and their parent and turned in to the school nurse before the field trip. If the student would like to carry the medication with them, the doctor must check off the “self-carry” box on the form. If self-carry is not specified, the teacher will have to carry and dispense the medication for the student as prescribed by the doctor. All medications must be in the original labeled containers (no pill boxes or plastic baggies). This form is available in the health office and was emailed last week to all marching band families in a separate email.


You can now purchase T-shirts and other apparel online at http://cloviswest.cwaim.org/store! Show your support for CW Instrumental Music! 

CWAIM Handbook

Our 2022-2023 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2022. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form last week, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. If you need a hard copy of either of these please have your student ask in class. Thanks!

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

Charms Calendar Sync Issues

Charms has implemented some changes that may mean you might now not see events further than 90 days in the future on your synced personal device. If this is happening to you, you can delete the calendar and re-sync by following the directions on our webpage at http://cloviswest.cwaim.org/calendar.

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wish list above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Weekly Notes 11.03.2022

Coming Up This Week:

Thursday 11/3 - MB Rehearsal 6 - 9pm

Friday 11/4 - No Football Game! (Team has first round Playoff Bye)

Monday 11/7 - MB Rehearsal 3:45-6:45pm

Tuesday 11/8 - MB Stadium Rehearsal @ VMS 5:00-9:00pm

Wednesday 11/9- JB CW & KIS Jazz Concert @ Shaghoian Concert Hall (Soundcheck 5:15-5:45, concert 7pm)

Thursday 11/10 - MB FB Playoffs

Friday 11/11 - No School / No Rehearsal (Veterans Day)

Saturday 11/12- MB WBA Viking Classic @ Kingsburg HS 10:30am-11:00PM

Next Week:

Monday 11/14 - MB Rehearsal 3:45-6:45pm, CO Area Orchestra Concert 

Tuesday 11/15 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm, Cookie Dough Fundraiser Delivery

Wednesday 11/16- WS Area Band Concert

Thursday 11/17 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Friday 11/18 - MB Bag Check for WBA Championships, MB FB Playoffs (TBD)

Sat & Sun 11/19-20- MB WBA Championships in SoCal

Friday 11/25 - MB FB Vally Championships (TBD)

Cookie Dough Delivery on Tuesday 11/15/22 (New Date)

NOTE NEW DATE - If you sold any cookie dough or other perishable items, they will be now delivered to campus on Tuesday November 15th sometime during the day. Please plan to pick up your items by the end of the school day, as they are perishable and will thaw as they sit. As the seller, you are responsible for making final delivery, and you need to make sure you don’t ruin the product due to spoilage. We will contact everyone when the deliveries arrive. 

Marching Band Trip Payments Due 11/4 

Marching Band families should submit their trip payment they indicated on their trip form by Friday 11/4. Payments can be made via check payable to “CW Foundation/CWAIM,” via cash, or via charms/paypal (directions on trip form).

Off Campus Medication Form (CWMB)

The district requires any student who will be bringing medications with them (both prescription and over-the-counter) to have the attached form completed and signed by a doctor and their parent and turned in to the school nurse before the field trip. If the student would like to carry the medication with them, the doctor must check off the “self-carry” box on the form. If self-carry is not specified, the teacher will have to carry and dispense the medication for the student as prescribed by the doctor. All medications must be in the original labeled containers (no pill boxes or plastic baggies). This form is available in the health office and was emailed today to all marching band families in a separate email.


You can now purchase T-shirts and other apparel online at http://cloviswest.cwaim.org/store! Show your support for CW Instrumental Music! 

CWAIM Handbook

Our 2022-2023 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2022. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form last week, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. If you need a hard copy of either of these please have your student ask in class. Thanks!

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

Charms Calendar Sync Issues

Charms has implemented some changes that may mean you might now not see events further than 90 days in the future on your synced personal device. If this is happening to you, you can delete the calendar and re-sync by following the directions on our webpage at http://cloviswest.cwaim.org/calendar.

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wish list above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Weekly Notes 10.27.2022

Coming Up This Week:

Thursday 10/27 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Friday 10/28 - MB FB vs Clovis @ VMS 4:45pm

Saturday 10/29 - MB Golden State Tournament of Bands @ Lamonica Stadium - 2pm-10:30pm

Monday 10/31 - No School / No Rehearsal

Tuesday 11/1 - MB Stadium Rehearsal @ VMS 5:00-9:00pm

Wednesday 11/2 - CUSD Band Night 4:30-9:15pm

Thursday 11/3 - MB Rehearsal 6 - 9pm

Friday 11/4 - MB FB Playoffs (TBD)

Next Week:

Monday 11/7 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Tuesday 11/8 - MB Stadium Rehearsal @ VMS 5:00-9:00pm

Wednesday 11/9- JB CW & KIS Jazz Concert @ Shaghoian Concert Hall

Thursday 11/10 - MB FB Playoffs (TBD)

Friday 11/11 - No School / No Rehearsal (Veterans Day)

Saturday 11/12- MB WBA Viking Classic @ Kingsburg HS 10:30am-11:00PM

Cookie Dough Delivery on Thursday 11/10/22

If you sold any cookie dough or other perishable items, they will be delivered to campus on Thursday November 10th sometime during the day. Please plan to pick up your items by the end of the school day, as they are perishable and will thaw as they sit. As the seller, you are responsible for making final delivery, and you need to make sure you don’t ruin the product due to spoilage. We will contact everyone when the deliveries arrive. 

GSTOB Volunteers Needed! (Orchestra Students / Adults Wanted)

Please sign up to help at the upcoming Golden State Tournament of Bands. We have several areas of responsibility, including managing the traffic flow for the parking lots for school buses and band trucks/trailers and running the concession stand inside the stadium. This is extra help in addition to the normal show tasks of feeding the band and pushing the pit. Golden State Tournament of Bands is a large fundraiser for our program. Please take a look at the sign up and see where you can help. https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=clovwhsb&v=5587156

Marching Band Trip Forms 

Marching Band students were supposed to turn in trip forms on Friday 10/21. While most students turn them in on time, many students still have yet to turn in forms. We need EVERY student to turn in a completed trip form so we can plan our travel details for the rest of the season. Additionally, trip payments are due by 11/4, and can be submitted via cash, check, or through CHARMS. Full details of how to make a payment are available on your trip form.


You can now purchase T-shirts and other apparel online at http://cloviswest.cwaim.org/store! Show your support for CW Instrumental Music! 

CWAIM Handbook

Our 2022-2023 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2022. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form last week, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. If you need a hard copy of either of these please have your student ask in class. Thanks!

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

Charms Calendar Sync Issues

Charms has implemented some changes that may mean you might now not see events further than 90 days in the future on your synced personal device. If this is happening to you, you can delete the calendar and re-sync by following the directions on our webpage at http://cloviswest.cwaim.org/calendar.

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wish list above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Thursday 10/27 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Friday 10/28 - MB FB vs Clovis @ VMS 4:45pm

Saturday 10/29 - MB Golden State Tournament of Bands @ Lamonica Stadium - 2pm-10:30pm

Monday 10/31 - No School / No Rehearsal

Tuesday 11/1 - MB Stadium Rehearsal @ VMS 5:00-9:00pm

Wednesday 11/2 - CUSD Band Night 4:30-9:15pm

Thursday 11/3 - MB Rehearsal 6 - 9pm

Friday 11/4 - MB FB Playoffs (TBD)

Next Week:

Monday 11/7 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Tuesday 11/8 - MB Stadium Rehearsal @ VMS 5:00-9:00pm

Wednesday 11/9- JB CW & KIS Jazz Concert @ Shaghoian Concert Hall

Thursday 11/10 - MB FB Playoffs (TBD)

Friday 11/11 - No School / No Rehearsal (Veterans Day)

Saturday 11/12- MB WBA Viking Classic @ Kingsburg HS 10:30am-11:00PM

Cookie Dough Delivery on Thursday 11/10/22

If you sold any cookie dough or other perishable items, they will be delivered to campus on Thursday November 10th sometime during the day. Please plan to pick up your items by the end of the school day, as they are perishable and will thaw as they sit. As the seller, you are responsible for making final delivery, and you need to make sure you don’t ruin the product due to spoilage. We will contact everyone when the deliveries arrive. 

GSTOB Volunteers Needed! (Orchestra Students / Adults Wanted)

Please sign up to help at the upcoming Golden State Tournament of Bands. We have several areas of responsibility, including managing the traffic flow for the parking lots for school buses and band trucks/trailers and running the concession stand inside the stadium. This is extra help in addition to the normal show tasks of feeding the band and pushing the pit. Golden State Tournament of Bands is a large fundraiser for our program. Please take a look at the sign up and see where you can help. https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=clovwhsb&v=5587156

Marching Band Trip Forms 

Marching Band students were supposed to turn in trip forms on Friday 10/21. While most students turn them in on time, many students still have yet to turn in forms. We need EVERY student to turn in a completed trip form so we can plan our travel details for the rest of the season. Additionally, trip payments are due by 11/4, and can be submitted via cash, check, or through CHARMS. Full details of how to make a payment are available on your trip form.


You can now purchase T-shirts and other apparel online at http://cloviswest.cwaim.org/store! Show your support for CW Instrumental Music! 

CWAIM Handbook

Our 2022-2023 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2022. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form last week, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. If you need a hard copy of either of these please have your student ask in class. Thanks!

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

Charms Calendar Sync Issues

Charms has implemented some changes that may mean you might now not see events further than 90 days in the future on your synced personal device. If this is happening to you, you can delete the calendar and re-sync by following the directions on our webpage at http://cloviswest.cwaim.org/calendar.

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wish list above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Weekly Notes 10.22.2022

Coming Up This Week

Thursday 10/20 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Friday 10/21 - MB Individual and group photos after school, FB vs Central @ Koligian Stadium

Saturday 10/22 - MB Sierra Cup Classic - All Day @ FSU 9am-~11pm

Monday 10/24 - MB Rehearsal 3:45-6:45pm

Tuesday 10/25 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Thursday 10/27 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Friday 10/28 - MB FB vs Clovis @ VMS

Saturday 10/29 - MB Golden State Tournament of Bands @ Lamonica Stadium - 2pm-10:30pm

Next Week:

Monday 10/31 - No School / No Rehearsal

Tuesday 11/1 - MB Stadium Rehearsal 5-9pm

Wednesday 11/2 - CUSD Band Night 4:30-9:15pm

Thursday 11/3 - MB Rehearsal 6 - 9pm

Friday 11/4 - MB TBD FB Playoffs

GSTOB Volunteers Needed! (Orchestra Students / Adults Wanted)

Please sign up to help at the upcoming Golden State Tournament of Bands. We have several areas of responsibility, including managing the traffic flow for the parking lots for school buses and band trucks/trailers and running the concession stand inside the stadium. This is extra help in addition to the normal show tasks of feeding the band and pushing the pit. Golden State Tournament of Bands is a large fundraiser for our program. Please take a look at the sign up and see where you can help. https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=clovwhsb&v=5587156

Charms Calendar Sync Issues

Charms has implemented some changes that may mean you might now not see events further that 90 days in the future on your synced personal device. If this is happening to you, you can delete the calendar and re-sync by following the directions on our webpage at http://cloviswest.cwaim.org/calendar.

Marching Band Trip Forms are due Friday 10/21 (tomorrow)

Marching Band students received trip forms Monday in class. We need EVERY student to turn in a completed trip form so we can plan our travel details for the rest of the season. A reminder - trip money is not due until 11/4, but we must know now what we can expect to receive. Please make sure your student turns this information tomorrow at the latest.

10/21 MB Pictures and Central Game

Marching band students will be taking large/small group and individual photos during 7th period and immediately after school on Friday 10/21. Students will need to be able to be in full uniform for the photos, but we will use instrumental music shirts for the game. Color Guard students should plan to rehearse after photos on CW campus and will be dismissed at 9pm. Winds/Percussion will bus to and from central, and will dismiss when they return and eagle 1 has been loaded for Sierra Cup the following day.

Orchestra Voluntary Pledge Forms 

If you or your student has not submitted their voluntary pledge form for Orchestra, please do so ASAP! If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Humphreys at Kylehumphreys@cusd.com

Marching Band Show Merch

If you pre-ordered show shirts or hoodies, they will be available for pick up in the band room after rehearsal this evening. Please note that we are accepting cash and check only. 

If you didn't pre-order merchandise, please check out our online store. We'd love to see our families in the show merchandise at all of our upcoming competitions.

10/22 MB Sierra Cup Classic

On 10/22 our marching band students will be performing at Fresno State’s Sierra Cup Classic. Report time is 9am. Lunch and dinner will be provided. Full details in charms calendar.


You can now purchase T-shirts and other apparel online at http://cloviswest.cwaim.org/store! Show your support for CW Instrumental Music! 

CWAIM Handbook

Our 2022-2023 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2022. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form last week, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. If you need a hard copy of either of these please have your student ask in class. Thanks!

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wish list above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Weekly Notes 10.13.2022

Coming Up This Week

Thursday 10/13 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Friday 10/14 - MB Football Game vs Clovis North @ VMS 5pm

Monday 10/17 - MB Rehearsal 3:45-6:45pm

Tuesday 10/18 - MB STADIUM Rehearsal @ VMS 5-9pm

Thursday 10/20 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Friday 10/21 - MB Individual and group photos after school, FB vs Central

Saturday 10/22 - MB Sierra Cup Classic - All Day @ FSU 9am-~11pm

Next Week:

Monday 10/24 - MB Rehearsal 3:45-6:45pm

Tuesday 10/25 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Thursday 10/27 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Friday 10/28 - MB FB vs Clovis @VMS

Saturday 10/29 - MB Golden State Tournament of Bands @ Lamonica Stadium

Charms Calendar Sync Issues

Charms has implemented some changes that may mean you might now not see events further that 90 days in the future on your synced personal device. If this is happening to you, you can delete the calendar and re-sync by following the directions on our webpage at http://cloviswest.cwaim.org/calendar.

10/14 Football Game Location and Volunteer Needs

We were recently notified the football game is at Lamonica, not Veterans Memorial. We will be bussing to and from the game tomorrow. We are also in need of volunteers for busses and pushing pit as well. Please sign up here: https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=clovwhsb&v=5518499

Panda Express

Our Panda Express dinner fundraiser is next Wednesday, October 19 at the Panda Express at Friant/Fort Washington. Please share this flyer with your friends and family! 

10/21 MB Pictures and Central Game

Marching band students will be taking large/small group and individual photos during 7th period and immediately after school on Friday 10/21. Students will need to be able to be in full uniform for the photos, but we will use instrumental music shirts for the game. Color Guard students should plan to rehearse after photos on CW campus and will be dismissed at 9pm. Winds/Percussion will bus to and from central, and will dismiss when they return and eagle 1 has been loaded for Sierra Cup the following day.

We also need chaperones for this game - please sign up here: https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=clovwhsb&v=5536040


Please sign up to help at the upcoming Golden State Tournament of Bands. We have several areas of responsibility, including managing the traffic flow for the parking lots for school busses and band trucks/trailers and running the concession stand inside the stadium. This is extra help in addition to the normal show tasks of feeding the band and pushing the pit. Golden State Tournament of Bands is a large fundraiser for our program. Please take a look at the sign up and see where you can help. https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=clovwhsb&v=5587156

Show Merch

If you pre-ordered show shirts or hoodies, they will be available for pick up in the band room after rehearsal this evening. Please note that we are accepting cash and check only. 

If you didn't pre-order merchandise, please check out our online store. We'd love to see our families in the show merchandise at all of our upcoming competitions.

10/22 MB Sierra Cup Classic

On 10/22 our marching band students will be performing at Fresno State’s Sierra Cup Classic. Report time is 9am. Lunch and dinner will be provided. Full details in charms calendar.


You can now purchase T-shirts and other apparel online at http://cloviswest.cwaim.org/store! Show your support for CW Instrumental Music! 

CWAIM Handbook

Our 2022-2023 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2022. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form last week, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. If you need a hard copy of either of these please have your student ask in class. Thanks!

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wish list above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony