Weekly Notes 10.06.2022

Coming Up This Week

Friday 10/7 - Football Game vs Clovis East @ Lamonica 4:30pm (Photos moved to 10/21)

Saturday 10/8 - MB WBA Show @ Washington Union 2pm-10:45pm

Monday 10/10 - MB Rehearsal 3:45-6:45pm, CO/SO Concert 7pm @ PAC

Tuesday 10/11 - MB Rehearsal 6–9pm

Wednesday 10/12 - WS/SB/CB/JB Concert 7pm @ PAC

Thursday 10/13 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Friday 10/14 - MB Football Game vs Clovis North @ VMS 5pm

Next Week:

Monday 10/17 - MB Rehearsal 3:45-6:45pm

Tuesday 10/18 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Thursday 10/20 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Friday 10/21 - MB Individual and group photos after school, FB vs Central

Saturday 10/22 - MB Sierra Cup Classic - All Day @ FSU 9am-~11pm

Charms Calendar Sync Issues

Charms has implemented some changes that may mean you might now not see events further that 90 days in the future on your synced personal device. If this is happening to you, you can delete the calendar and re-sync by following the directions on our webpage at http://cloviswest.cwaim.org/calendar.

Orchestra Concert Monday 10/10

Our orchestra students will be performing along with the Kastner Orchestras on Monday October 10th at the Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall on the Clovis North Campus. All orchestra students are expected to report to the concert hall for a mandatory rehearsal Monday afternoon, and will be fed prior to the concert. Clovis West students should arrive at 4:30pm through the back concert hall doors. The main doors will open to audience members at 6:40pm. The concert is free and open to the public.

Band Concert Wednesday 10/12

All of the students in first, second, and sixth period band classes, as well as many 7th period percussion students and Jazz students will be performing along with Kastner Bands on Wednesday October 12th in Concert at the Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall on the Clovis North Campus. Performing students should arrive at the concert hall no later than 6:30pm. Jazz students should arrive no later than 6:15. We will open the concert hall to audience members as soon as Kastner groups have finished their sound check.

10/21 MB Pictures and Central Game

Marching band students will be taking large/small group and individual photos during 7th period and immediately after school on Friday 10/21. Students will need to be able to be in full uniform for the photos, but we will use instrumental music shirts for the game. Color Guard students should plan to rehearse after photos on CW campus and will be dismissed at 9pm. Winds/Percussion will bus to and from central, and will dismiss when they return and eagle 1 has been loaded for Sierra Cup the following day.

10/22 MB Sierra Cup Classic

On 10/22 our marching band students will be performing at Fresno State’s Sierra Cup Classic. Report time is 9am. Lunch and dinner will be provided. Full details in charms calendar.

CWAIM Handbook

Our 2022-2023 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2022. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form last week, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. If you need a hard copy of either of these please have your student ask in class. Thanks!

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wish list above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Weekly Notes 09.29.2022

Coming Up This Week

Friday 9/30 - Senior Night @ Football Game, MB Football Game vs Buchanan @ Lamonica 4:30pm

Monday 10/3 - Marching Band Rehearsal 3:45-6:45pm

Tuesday 10/4 - MB Rehearsal 6–9pm

Thursday 10/6 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Friday 10/7 - MB Photos and Football Game vs Clovis East @ Lamonica after school

Saturday 10/8 - MB WBA Show @ Washington Union 2pm-10:45pm

Next Week:

Monday 10/10 - MB Rehearsal 3:45-6:45pm, CO/SO Concert 7pm @ PAC

Tuesday 10/11 - MB Rehearsal 6–9pm

Wednesday 10/12 - WS/SB/CB/JB? Concert 7pm @ PAC

Thursday 10/13 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Friday 10/14 - MB Football Game vs Clovis North @ VMS 5pm

Orchestra Concert Monday 10/10

Our orchestra students will be performing along with the Kastner Orchestras on Monday October 10th at the Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall on the Clovis North Campus. All orchestra students are expected to report to the concert hall for a mandatory rehearsal Monday afternoon, and will be fed prior to the concert. Clovis West students should arrive at 4:30pm through the back concert hall doors. The main doors will open to audience members at 6:40pm. The concert is free and open to the public.

Band Concert Wednesday 10/12

All of the students in first, second, and sixth period band classes, as well as many 7th period percussion students will be performing along with Kastner Bands on Wednesday October 12th in Concert at the Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall on the Clovis North Campus. Performing students should arrive at the concert hall no later than 6:30pm. We will open the concert hall to audience members as soon as Kastner groups have finished their sound check.

Cookie Dough Fundraiser

All students are currently participating in a cookie dough fundraiser. The funds and orders from this fundraiser are due Friday 9/30 (TOMORROW!). All proceeds from this fundraiser will be split between student trip credit and funding the program(s) they participate in. Feel free to purchase from your students, but we are going to emphasize reaching out to people outside of the home for this fundraiser. We have been extremely successful with this fundraiser in the past and hope to continue to help our students fund the experiences and opportunities that enrich their education. We expect delivery sometime toward the end of October and will communicate an exact date when we have it.

Marching Band Senior Night 9/30 at Lamonica Stadium

Saturday September 30th (tomorrow) our Marching Band seniors and parents will be recognized prior to the start of the game. Senior parents/guardians are limited to three people at most per student and should meet us at the Northwest corner of the stadium at 5:45pm to line up for recognition. Each senior will be introduced and photographed with their parents and/or guardians. 

CWAIM Handbook

Our 2022-2023 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2022. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form last week, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. If you need a hard copy of either of these please have your student ask in class. Thanks!

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wish list above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Weekly Notes 09.20.2022

Coming Up This Week

Wednesday 9/21 - ALL Chipotle Dinner Night 4pm-8pm

Thursday 9/22 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Saturday 9/24 - MB All-Day Rehearsal 9am-5pm

Monday 9/26 - Marching Band Rehearsal 3:45-6:45pm

Tuesday 9/27 - MB Rehearsal 6–9pm

Thursday 9/29 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Friday 9/30 - Senior Night @ Football Game, MB Football Game vs Buchanan @ Lamonica 4:30pm

Next Week:

Monday 10/3 - Marching Band Rehearsal 3:45-6:45pm

Tuesday 10/4 - MB Rehearsal 6–9pm

Thursday 10/6 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Friday 10/7 - MB Football Game vs Clovis East @ Lamonica 4:30pm

Saturday 10/8 - MB WBA Show @ Washington Union 

Cookie Dough Fundraiser

All students will be participating in class in a cookie dough fundraiser. Students will be reaching out to contacts to try to secure as many sales as possible during class on Friday 10/16. All proceeds from this fundraiser will be split between student trip credit and funding the program(s) they participate in. Feel free to purchase from your students, but we are going to emphasize reaching out to people outside of the home for this fundraiser. The fundraiser will run for two weeks and close on Friday September 30th. We have been extremely successful with this fundraiser in the past and hope to continue to help our students fund the experiences and opportunities that enrich their education.

Chipotle Dinner Night Wednesday 9/21

Please join us Wednesday at the Riverpark Chipotle between 4pm-8pm and show this flyer on your mobile phone or print and bring the flyer. You can also order online with code TMVGHNP during those hours. 33% of the sales will be donated to the Clovis West Instrumental Music Program. This is an easy way to support our program and get some good food at the same time. We hope to see you there!

Kastner Bingo Night! Friday 9/23

Come out and support the Kastner Instrumental Music Program by participating in the first ever Kastner Bingo Night! There will be taco trucks at 5pm and bingo games (and prizes) at 5:30pm in the Kastner MPR. Come and show your support this Friday 9/23. RSVP by clicking this link.

Marching Band Senior Night 9/30 at Lamonica Stadium

Saturday September 30th our Marching Band seniors and parents will be recognized prior to the start of the game. Senior parents/guardians are limited to three people at most per student and should meet us at the Northwest corner of the stadium at 5:30pm to line up for recognition. Each senior will be introduced and photographed with their parents and/or guardians. We ask that every family fill out this form to ensure we can plan to call every accompanying adult’s name.

Please fill out this form!

CWAIM Handbook

Our 2022-2023 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2022. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form last week, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. If you need a hard copy of either of these please have your student ask in class. Thanks!

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wish list above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Weekly Notes 09.15.2022

Coming Up This Week

Friday 9/16 - ALL - Cookie Dough Fundraiser (In Class), MB Football Game vs. Edison @ VMS 5:30pm (one bus available @ CW departing by 5pm)

Monday 9/19 - Marching Band Rehearsal 3:45-6:45pm

Tuesday 9/20 - MB Rehearsal 6–9pm

Wednesday 9/21 - ALL Chipotle Dinner Night 4pm-8pm

Thursday 9/22 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Saturday 9/24 - MB All-Day Rehearsal 9am-5pm

Next Week:

Monday 9/26 - Marching Band Rehearsal 3:45-6:45pm

Tuesday 9/27 - MB Rehearsal 6–9pm

Thursday 9/29 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Friday 9/30 - Senior Night @ Football Game, MB Football Game vs Buchanan @ Lamonica 4:30pm

Cookie Dough Fundraiser

All students will be participating in class in a cookie dough fundraiser. Students will be reaching out to contacts to try to secure as many sales as possible during class on Friday 10/16. All proceeds from this fundraiser will be split between student trip credit and funding the program(s) they participate in. Feel free to purchase from your students, but we are going to emphasize reaching out to people outside of the home for this fundraiser. The fundraiser will run for two weeks and close on Friday September 30th. We have been extremely successful with this fundraiser in the past and hope to continue to help our students fund the experiences and opportunities that enrich their education.

Chipotle Dinner Night Wednesday 9/21

Please join us Wednesday at the Riverpark Chipotle between 4pm-8pm and show this flyer on your mobile phone or print and bring the flyer. You can also order online with code TMVGHNP during those hours. 33% of the sales will be donated to the Clovis West Instrumental Music Program. This is an easy way to support our program and get some good food at the same time. We hope to see you there!

Marching Band Senior Night 9/30 at Lamonica Stadium

Saturday September 30th our Marching Band seniors and parents will be recognized prior to the start of the game. Senior parents/guardians are limited to three people at most per student and should meet us at the Northwest corner of the stadium at 5:30pm to line up for recognition. Each senior will be introduced and photographed with their parents and/or guardians. We ask that every family fill out this form to ensure we can plan to call every accompanying adult’s name.

Please fill out this form!

CWAIM Handbook

Our 2022-2023 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2022. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form last week, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. If you need a hard copy of either of these please have your student ask in class. Thanks!


Marching Band Families - Voluntary Pledge and signature Forms were due Friday 8/26

All marching band students should have returned pledge and signature forms on 8/26. This was a graded assignment. If you/your student has not yet turned in one of these, please have them ask for another copy, or email us for a digital version.

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wish list above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Weekly Notes 09.08.2022

Coming Up This Week

Thursday 9/8 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm, Operations Committee Meeting 8pm

Friday 9/9 – MB Football Game vs Bullard @ McLane (report at 5:30)

Saturday 9/10 - Shoe Painting Party

Monday 9/12 - Marching Band Rehearsal 3:45-5:45pm (EARLY DISMISSAL), Back to School Night 6pm-8pm

Tuesday 9/13 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Thursday 9/15 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Friday 9/16 - ALL - Cookie Dough Fundraiser (In Class), MB Football Game vs. Bullard @ VMS 5:30pm (one bus available @ CW departing by 5pm)

Next Week:

Monday 9/19 - Marching Band Rehearsal 3:45-6:45pm

Tuesday 9/20 - MB Rehearsal 6–9pm

Thursday 9/22 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Saturday 9/24 - MB All-Day Rehearsal 9am-5pm

Cookie Dough Fundraiser

All students will be participating in class in a cookie dough fundraiser. Students will be reaching out to contacts to try to secure as many sales as possible during class on Friday 10/16. All proceeds from this fundraiser will be split with student trip ledgers and the program(s) they participate in. We have been extremely successful with this fundraiser in the past and hope to continue to help our students fund the experiences and opportunities that enrich their education.

Pasta Palooza Marching Band Fundraiser

Our first marching band fundraiser was a huge success. Thank you to all the volunteers who made it possible to raise funds for our marching band students.


CWAIM Handbook

Our 2022-2023 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2022. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form last week, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. If you need a hard copy of either of these please have your student ask in class. Thanks!


Marching Band Families - Voluntary Pledge Forms and Trip Forms were due Friday 8/26

All marching band students should have returned trip and pledge forms this past Friday. If you/your student has not yet turned in one of these, please have them ask for another copy, or email us for a digital version.

Back to School Night (9/12)

Join us for back to school night on Monday (9/12) for a chance to connect with your student’s director! The parent/guardian classroom bell schedule is below:

1st Period: 6:10pm-6:20pm  

2nd Period: 6:25pm-6:35pm 

3rd Period: 6:40pm-6:50pm 

4th Period: 6:55pm-7:05pm  

6th Period: 7:10pm-7:20pm  

7th Period: 7:25pm-7:35pm  

0 Period: 7:40pm-7:50pm Please join us if you are here for the event but understand we must also transition for each class of parents to meet for 10 minutes each. If you have anything specific you are hoping to discuss we would be happy to schedule a time to meet and talk in more detail. 

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wish list above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Weekly Notes 08.29.2022

Coming Up This Week:

Monday 8/29 – Jazz Auditions 7:20-8:20am, Marching Band Rehearsal 3:45-6:45pm

Tuesday 8/30 - Jazz Auditions 7:20-8:20am, MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Wednesday 8/31 - Jazz Auditions 7:20-8:20am, Parent Meeting 7pm

Thursday 9/1/ - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Friday 9/2 - Pasta Palooza MB Fundraiser 6-8:30p, (students report at 5pm)

Next Week:

Monday9/5 – Labor Day - No School

Tuesday 9/6 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Thursday, 9/8 - MB Rehearsal 6-9pm

Friday, 9/9 – MB Football Game vs Bullard @ McLane (report at 5:30)

Parent Meeting

We would like to invite all parents to a parent meeting in the band room on Wednesday the 31st at 7pm. This meeting is for all parents who have a student in the program. This includes all ensembles such as Orchestra, Band, Marching Band, Jazz Band, and Color Guard. This is a great opportunity to meet other parents in the program and find out how you can help support your students in their musical endeavors. We will have much-needed information about how the year will unfold for your students, especially for those of you who are new to the high school this year. Please plan to join us Wednesday.

Pasta Palooza Marching Band Fundraiser

Our seventh annual Pasta Palooza Dinner is Friday, September 2nd, in the air conditioned Clovis West Cafeteria. This great event specifically benefits the Clovis West Marching Band and is our primary fundraiser for the marching season. We'll be serving a delicious pasta dinner with salad and bread, catered by Piazza del Pane, and guests will be treated to a live performance by the award-winning Clovis West HS Marching Band, along with a Dessert Auction and Raffle!

Tickets were distributed to each MB member last Tuesday and should be returned Tuesday 8/30 (tomorrow). If you did not have an opportunity to purchase tickets but would like to attend, please contact bryanchesi@cusd.com.

Want to help? We are still in need of many volunteers.

• Donate desserts for the Dessert Auction. Sign up here. Dessert may be homemade or purchased. We are looking for a variety of desserts: cakes, pies, cookies, brownies, pastries. Additionally, each section of the marching band will provide a signature dessert for a fun competition!

• Volunteer to help at the event! Sign up here.

• Ask local vendors for Auction Donations. We want to have a wide variety of items to offer for raffle. Everything helps.

• Purchase and donate an auction item. We also hope to have some big ticket items to offer for raffle. If you are willing to purchase a big ticket item to be raffled away we would be happy to coordinate with you.

• Sponsor the event! This year we are offering potential sponsors an opportunity to get a reserved table for 10 in a prime location, as well as recognition at the event for $400. Please contact Jen McDougal at jenmcdougal@sbcglobal.net or 559-779-3095 if you have questions.

Please Note: All Marching Band members will receive a complimentary pizza dinner in the band room prior to their performance – you do not need to purchase a meal for your band member.

CWAIM Handbook

Our 2022-2023 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2022. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form last week, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. If you need a hard copy of either of these please have your student ask in class. Thanks!

Jazz Auditions / Rehearsal Schedule

Jazz “auditions” are taking place in the mornings before school, this week. This is a low risk audition, and participating is essentially you our your student’s audition into the Jazz band. After this week, we plan to begin rehearsing normally during zero period Monday-Thursday. This schedule will run until November 17th at which point we will evaluate alternate schedules for the remainder of the year. Jazz is open to any students who participate in an ensemble in our program, and we have some exciting potential trips planned for the upcoming year.

Marching Band Families - Voluntary Pledge Forms and Trip Forms were due Friday 8/26

All marching band students should have returned trip and pledge forms this past Friday. If you/your student has not yet turned in one of these, please have them ask for another copy, or email us for a digital version.

Weekly Notes 05.27.2022

Coming Up This Week

Monday 5/30 - No School (Memorial Day)

Tuesday 5/31- Guard & Percussion Recital, 6:00pm @ PAC

Wednesday 6/1- Disneyland Chaperone Meeting

Thursday 6/2 - CW Graduation (CB/SB/WS Performance) @ VMS 

Friday 6/3- Minimum Day Schedule, Last Day of School!

Saturday 6/4- CW/KIS Instrumental Music Disneyland Trip

Over the Summer:

Wednesdays- Marching Band Rehearsal (Battery Percussion) 9:00am-1:00pm, Color Guard Rehearsal 5:30-9:00pm

Thursdays- Marching Band Rehearsal (Winds) 6:00-9:00pm

Saturdays- Marching Band Rehearsal (Front Ensemble) 10:00am-2:00pm

August 8-12 & 15-19- Marching Band Camp

Color Guard & Percussion Recital, Plus Marching Band Show Reveal!

On Tuesday May 31 at the Paul Shaghoian Concert hall at  6:00pm, the CW Color Guard will present a dance recital followed immediately by a recital by the CW Percussionists. At the conclusion of the event, we will announce the show theme for the 2022 Clovis West Marching Band! Admission is free, you won’t want to miss it! 

Graduation Information 6/2/2022

Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band, & Concert Band: We will be performing at the Clovis West Graduation Ceremony on Thursday night, June 2nd at Veteran's Memorial Stadium. All students will report to the CW Bandroom @ 4:30pm. Please eat before you arrive. We will have a short rehearsal at Clovis West before we take school buses over to Veteran's Memorial Stadium/Buchanan. It looks as though it will be fairly warm that day, so please drink plenty of water before you arrive and wear sunscreen - the event is outdoors! A snack and water will be provided at graduation. 

Students with family members graduating: If you have an immediate family member graduating this year, you may be excused from performing with the band so that you may sit with your family. An ‘Excused Absence Form’ must be submitted ASAP if you have not done so already. All other 9th-11th grade students in Concert Band, Symphonic Winds, and Wind Symphony are required to attend. 

Dress/Attire: VERY Nice. Guys should wear slacks, dress shirt, and a tie. Ladies: A spring dress or dress pant outfit is appropriate (please make sure dresses are long enough!). No Shorts. No Jeans. No Tennis Shoes or Flip Flops. You MUST be in Dress Code!


Return Time back to CW: 

We will return to CW between 9:30pm & 10:00pm, depending on the length of the graduation ceremony. All students must ride the bus back to CW unless their parent/guardian meets the band at Eagle 2 immediately following the graduation ceremony and checks their student out with the head chaperone. 

We are also in need of 3-4 chaperones for this event. If you are interested in assisting please sign up here.

Disneyland Trip - Chaperones

On Wednesday June 1 at 7:00pm, we will hold a meeting in the CW Band Room for all chaperones attending the Disneyland Trip. Anyone still interested in being a chaperone, please contact Mr. Chesi ASAP: BryanChesi@clovisusd.k12.ca.us 

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wish list above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CWAIM Handbook

Our 2021-2022 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2021. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form at the beginning of the semester, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. 

CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Weekly Notes 05.19.2022

Coming Up This Week

Friday 5/20 - Senior Instrument and equipment turn-in

Monday 5/23 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Tuesday 5/24 - CG Auditions 5:30pm - 9:00pm,  Percussion - Battery and Front Ensemble Workshops / Auditions 3:00pm - 6:00pm

Wednesday 5/25 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00pm,  JB 5:30pm - 6pm Performance at Senior Scholarship Night, CG Dance Recital Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00pm,

Thursday 5/26 - CG Auditions 3:00pm - 5:00pm, Percussion - Battery and Front Ensemble Workshops / Auditions 3:00pm - 6:00pm

Next Week(s):

Monday 5/30 - No School (Memorial Day)

Tuesday 5/31- Guard & Percussion Recital, 6:00pm @ PAC

Thursday 6/2 - CW Graduation (CB/SB/WS Performance) @ VMS 

Graduation Information 6/2/2022

Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band, & Concert Band: We will be performing at the Clovis West Graduation Ceremony on Wednesday night, June 2nd at Veteran's Memorial Stadium. All students will report to the CW Bandroom @ 4:30pm. Please eat before you arrive. We will have a short rehearsal at Clovis West before we take school buses over to Veteran's Memorial Stadium/Buchanan. It looks as though it will be fairly warm that day, so please drink plenty of water before you arrive and wear sunscreen - the event is outdoors! A snack and water will be provided at graduation. 

Students with family members graduating: If you have an immediate family member graduating this year, you may be excused from performing with the band so that you may sit with your family. An ‘Excused Absence Form’ must be submitted ASAP if you have not done so already. All other 9th-11th grade students in Concert Band, Symphonic Winds, and Wind Symphony are required to attend. 

Dress/Attire: VERY Nice. Guys should wear slacks, dress shirt, and a tie. Ladies: A spring dress or dress pant outfit is appropriate (please make sure dresses are long enough!). No Shorts. No Jeans. No Tennis Shoes or Flip Flops. You MUST be in Dress Code!


Return Time back to CW: 

We will return to CW between 9:30pm & 10:00pm, depending on the length of the graduation ceremony. All students must ride the bus back to CW unless their parent/guardian meets the band at Eagle 2 immediately following the graduation ceremony and checks their student out with the head chaperone. 

We are also in need of 3-4 chaperones for this event. If you are interested in assisting please sign up here.

Color Guard Invitation!

Join us May 24th and 26th in the CW MPR from 5:30-9pm! Come out to make new friends and be a part of an awesome team! If you love to perform and dance and want to learn how to toss a flag, rifle or sabre then the Clovis West color guard is for you! No experience is necessary, we will teach you everything you need to know. Come dressed in workout clothes and athletic shoes.

For more information contact jenniferharrington@cusd.com

Seniors - Equipment Return

Seniors you must turn in any equipment / instruments / books / other property assigned to you (this includes sound innovations books, and any other printed / published music). Please make sure you are ready to turn these in by Friday May 20th unless you have made other arrangements!

Disneyland Trip

Students who signed up for the Disneyland trip were either added to a bus and received an official email from Mr. Chesi stating this. If you did not receive an email your student was placed on a waiting list. Parent chaperones will be selected based on interest, need, and available space. Parent chaperones are also asked to submit a $310 payment by May 13th. We are planning on connecting with parents who indicated an interest in chaperoning soon. If you have not yet indicated your interest in chaperoning when submitting your student’s form, please contact us at cloviswestmusic@gmail.com

Trip payments and permission slips are due by May 13, 2022. In order to retain your spot on the trip, this must be completed by that time. Failure to return a printed, signed permission slip and payment either through charms/paypal, cash, or check by May 13 will result in a student being moved to the waiting list, and a student on the waiting list who has completed these tasks moving into a bus spot. 

Again - you must submit a PRINTED signed permission slip (available by clicking this link). If you are in need of a printed copy we can provide them in the band room.

Credit card payments are now available through paypal/charms. If your student is on the waiting list we recommend you submit a permission slip and postdated (May 13th) check for the trip cost. In the event bus spots become open we will take waiting list students in order of time their initial form was received ONLY IF we have received all other forms/payment.

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wish list above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CWAIM Handbook

Our 2021-2022 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2021. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form at the beginning of the semester, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. 

CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Weekly Notes 05.12.2022

Coming Up This Week

Thursday 5/12 - Percussion - Battery and Front Ensemble Workshops / Auditions 3:00pm - 6:00pm

Friday 5/13 - 12:45pm - 2pm Kisling Celebration Music Rehearsal, Disneyland permission slips and payments due / All candy bar sale $$ due

Monday 5/16 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Tuesday 5/17 - CG Dance Recital Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00pm,  Percussion - Battery and Front Ensemble Workshops / Auditions 3:00pm - 6:00pm, Spring Concert and Awards Recognition 7:00pm @ Shaghoian Concert Hall

Wednesday 5/18 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm - 4:00pm (Kastner Spring Concert approx 7pm)

Thursday 5/19 -  Percussion - Battery and Front Ensemble Workshops / Auditions 3:00pm - 6:00pm, Kisling Celebration @ Clovis Veterans Memorial District Arrival Time TBD

Friday 5/20 - Senior Instrument and equipment turn-in

Next Week(s):

Monday 5/23 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Tuesday 5/24 - CG Auditions 5:30pm - 9:00pm,  Percussion - Battery and Front Ensemble Workshops / Auditions 3:00pm - 6:00pm

Wednesday 5/25 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00pm,  JB 5:30pm - 6pm Performance at Senior Scholarship Night, CG Dance Recital Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00pm,

Thursday 5/26 - CG Auditions 3:00pm - 5:00pm, Percussion - Battery and Front Ensemble Workshops / Auditions 3:00pm - 6:00pm

Spring Concert and Awards Recognition- Tuesday 5/17, 7:00pm @ The Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall

All instrumental music students will be expected to be in attendance Tuesday at 7pm for our Spring Concert and Awards Recognition. We are expecting everyone to arrive no later than 6:45 unless it has otherwise been communicated in ensemble classes (Chamber Orchestra 6:30pm, Kisling Celebration of Life participants 6:00pm). All performing students should wear appropriate concert attire. Guard should be in formal attire. Doors will open to the public at 6:45pm.

Color Guard Invitation!

Join us May 24th and 26th in the CW MPR from 5:30-9pm! Come out to make new friends and be a part of an awesome team! If you love to perform and dance and want to learn how to toss a flag, rifle or sabre then the Clovis West color guard is for you! No experience is necessary, we will teach you everything you need to know. Come dressed in workout clothes and athletic shoes.

For more information contact jenniferharrington@cusd.com

Senior Photo Board Collage

One special part of our End of the Year Awards includes Seniors assembling a photo collage. These can be placed in the PAC lobby beginning at 6pm. This will be a special time to recognize the accomplishments of those in the music program this year and to honor our seniors one last time. We are asking each senior to create a poster board photo collage (no larger than 24" x 36") that will be displayed at the awards. You can make it as simple or elaborate as you wish. It can include lifetime photos with family and friends or just band photos - whatever you would like. Make sure that your name is somewhere on the front of the poster. We have found that the stiff foam-core boards display on the music stands best but we make poster boards work just fine. The posters should be brought to the concert hall BEFORE the concert so we can set them out for display. We would love to have a poster from every senior. All of the families have such a wonderful time looking at the posters. They create lots of smiles, conversations and reminiscing.

Seniors - Music Survey and Equipment Return

Seniors - in preparation for the spring concert and awards recognition next week, and for our records, please fill out the survey at this link: https://forms.gle/CgoMejJH4Gk3C7yA9

We would like to have all this data collected by Friday. Please take a moment to let us know what your plans are moving forward.

One additional reminder - seniors you must turn in any equipment / instruments / books / other property assigned to you (this includes sound innovations books, and any other printed / published music). Please make sure you are ready to turn these in by Friday May 20th unless you have made other arrangements!

Parking Lot Closures

This Friday the back parking lot will be closed to public parking due to swim competitions happening on our campus. This could pose some logistical challenges. Please plan accordingly.

Signature Chocolate Box Fundraiser 

Chocolate Boxes are still available for selling! Students are able to check out a box of 60 candy bars, each of which sell for $1. Funds from the sale of these chocolate bars will directly support the students trip credit for the upcoming school year. 

Students who have checked out a box of chocolate need  to turn in $60 by tomorrow, May 13th. Boxes will only be checked out one at a time, students will need to turn in $60 before checking out the next box to sell. All proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards the student’s individual trip ledger which can be applied to travel like our Disneyland trip! The final day to turn in sale monies is May 13th.

Disneyland Trip

Students who signed up for the Disneyland trip were either added to a bus and received an official email from Mr. Chesi stating this. If you did not receive an email your student was placed on a waiting list. Parent chaperones will be selected based on interest, need, and available space. Parent chaperones are also asked to submit a $310 payment by May 13th. We are planning on connecting with parents who indicated an interest in chaperoning soon. If you have not yet indicated your interest in chaperoning when submitting your student’s form, please contact us at cloviswestmusic@gmail.com

Trip payments and permission slips are due by May 13, 2022. In order to retain your spot on the trip, this must be completed by that time. Failure to return a printed, signed permission slip and payment either through charms/paypal, cash, or check by May 13 will result in a student being moved to the waiting list, and a student on the waiting list who has completed these tasks moving into a bus spot. 

Again - you must submit a PRINTED signed permission slip (available by clicking this link). If you are in need of a printed copy we can provide them in the band room.

Credit card payments are now available through paypal/charms. If your student is on the waiting list we recommend you submit a permission slip and postdated (May 13th) check for the trip cost. In the event bus spots become open we will take waiting list students in order of time their initial form was received ONLY IF we have received all other forms/payment.

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wish list above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CWAIM Handbook

Our 2021-2022 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2021. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form at the beginning of the semester, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. 

CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Weekly Notes 05.05.2022

Coming Up This Week

Friday 5/6 - Final day to turn in candy bar $$ for Disney trip credit, JB @ Law Day (Yosemite National Park)  6am-3:30pm

Saturday 5/7 - ALL - Pancakes and Performances! 8:00am - 11:30am 

Monday 5/9 - Band audition music distribution, JB Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Tuesday 5/10 - CG Dance Recital Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00pm, Percussion - Battery and Front Ensemble Workshops / Auditions 3:00pm - 6:00pm

Wednesday 5/11 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Thursday 5/12 - Percussion - Battery and Front Ensemble Workshops / Auditions 3:00pm - 6:00pm

Friday 5/13 - Disneyland permission slips and payments due / All candy bar sale $$ due

Next Week(s):

Monday 5/16 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Tuesday 5/17 - CG Dance Recital Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00pm,  Percussion - Battery and Front Ensemble Workshops / Auditions 3:00pm - 6:00pm

ALL - Spring Concert and Awards 7pm-~9:30pm?

Wednesday 5/18 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm - 4:00pm (Kastner Spring Concert approx 7pm)

Thursday 5/19 -  Percussion - Battery and Front Ensemble Workshops / Auditions 3:00pm - 6:00pm

Parking Lot Closures

This coming Friday and next Thursday and Friday the back parking lot will be closed to public parking due to swim competitions happening on our campus. This could pose some logistical challenges tomorrow as many students take instruments and equipment home for Pancakes and Performances at Kastner. Please plan accordingly.

Pancakes and Performances

The event will take place on Saturday, May 7th from 8:00 – 11:30 a.m., in the Kastner Intermediate MPR. As always, the morning will be full of great performances and a delicious breakfast of pancakes and sausage. We will also hold an event raffle with fabulous prizes!

Students are asked to sell 10 event tickets, which were distributed this week.

Students who sold event tickets and returned the funds to the band room mailbox by Wednesday, May 4, will receive $5 of trip credit for each ticket sold. Trip credit can be used for any future travel costs including the CWAIM Disneyland trip on June 4th! We hope to have these credits in your charms account early next week.

Tickets are $15. Raffle tickets will be sold at the event so remember to bring cash. We encourage everyone in the Clovis West Instrumental Music Program to get involved in making this spring fundraiser a great success! At this time all ticket money and extra tickets should be returned. If you are still holding either of these we need them back for an accurate count. Thank you to all who have turned in their materials.

Volunteers are urgently needed for this event. Please follow the link below to sign up: https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=clovwhsb&v=5349622

All students should arrive at Kastner no less than 30 minutes prior to their scheduled performance time. On arrival they can drop off their belongings and spectate / eat if purchasing a ticket. Every performer should be prepared to warm-up/perform 15 minutes prior to their performance time.

Performance Schedule: 

  • 8:00am Wind Symphony

  • 8:20am Symphonic Band

  • 8:40am Concert Band 

  • 9:10am String Orchestra

  • 9:30am Chamber Orchestra

  • 10:10am Color Guard

  • 10:40am Jazz Band

Signature Chocolate Box Fundraiser 

Chocolate Boxes are still available for selling! Students are able to check out a box of 60 candy bars, each of which sell for $1. Students who check out a box of chocolate will be expected to turn in $60 by May 13th. If a student would like to apply trip credit to the June 4th Disneyland trip, money must be received by May 6th. Boxes will only be checked out one at a time, students will need to turn in $60 before checking out the next box to sell. All proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards the student’s individual trip ledger which can be applied to travel like our Disneyland trip! The final day to turn in sale monies is May 13th.

Disneyland Trip

Students who signed up for the Disneyland trip were either added to a bus and received an official email from Mr. Chesi stating this. If you did not receive an email your student was placed on a waiting list. Parent chaperones will be selected based on interest, need, and available space. Parent chaperones are also asked to submit a $310 payment by May 13th. We are planning on connecting with parents who indicated an interest in chaperoning soon. If you have not yet indicated your interest in chaperoning when submitting your student’s form, please contact us at cloviswestmusic@gmail.com

Trip payments and permission slips are due by May 13, 2022. In order to retain your spot on the trip, this must be completed by that time. Failure to return a printed, signed permission slip and payment either through charms/paypal, cash, or check by May 13 will result in a student being moved to the waiting list, and a student on the waiting list who has completed these tasks moving into a bus spot. 

Again - you must submit a PRINTED signed permission slip (available by clicking this link). If you are in need of a printed copy we can provide them in the band room.

Credit card payments are now available through paypal/charms. If your student is on the waiting list we recommend you submit a permission slip and postdated (May 13th) check for the trip cost. In the event bus spots become open we will take waiting list students in order of time their initial form was received ONLY IF we have received all other forms/payment.

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wish list above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CWAIM Handbook

Our 2021-2022 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2021. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form at the beginning of the semester, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. 

CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Weekly Notes 04.28.2022

Coming Up This Week

Friday 4/29 - MB - Spring rally 2nd period (MB Winds & Perc CW instrumental music t-shirt)

Saturday 4/30 - Percussion - PAS Western Region Day of Percussion All Day @ PAC

Monday 5/2 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Tuesday 5/3 - JB CW & Kastner Spring Jazz Concert 7pm (Soundcheck 5:15-5:45pm), CG Dance Recital Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Wednesday 5/4 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Friday 5/6 - Final day to turn in candy bar $$ for Disney trip credit, JB @ Law Day (Yosemite National Park)  6am-3:30pm

Saturday 5/7 - ALL - Pancakes and Performances! 8:00am - 11:30am 

Next Week(s):

Monday 5/9 - Band audition music distribution, JB Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Tuesday 5/10 - CG Dance Recital Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00pm, Percussion - Battery and Front Ensemble Workshops / Auditions 3:00pm - 6:00pm

Wednesday 5/11 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00p

Thursday 5/12 - Percussion - Battery and Front Ensemble Workshops / Auditions 3:00pm - 6:00pm

Friday 5/13 - Disneyland permission slips and payments due / All candy bar sale $$ due

April Parent Meeting Recap

If you missed our early April parent meeting outlining ways you can be more involved with the instrumental music program, the slides from the presentation are available here. We are hoping to meet with as many committees as possible in the upcoming weeks to get set for the next school year. If you are interested in working with some amazing parents and helping some amazing students continue to be successful, please indicate your interest by filling out this form. We will contact parents at the end of next week to schedule a time to chat with their committees about upcoming needs.

FMCMEA Jazz Auditions

FMCMEA Jazz auditions are open through this Saturday. Any student interested in having more playing opportunities should apply and audition. Information is available at FMCMEA.org. Results should be posted next week. Auditions cost $20, and if a student is selected the cost to participate is an additional $15.  If any student wants to participate and needs financial assistance please contact Mr. Chesi.

Spring Jazz Concert

Kastner and CW Jazz students will be presenting their spring concert of the year on Tuesday May 3rd at 7pm. CW Jazz students should be at the PAC Tuesday at 5pm for a 5:!5 soundcheck and will be released at 5:45. Students will need to return by 7pm. Please come support our students in their last concert hall performance of the year.

Pancakes and Performances

The event will take place on Saturday, May 7th from 8:00 – 11:30 a.m., in the Kastner Intermediate MPR. As always, the morning will be full of great performances and a delicious breakfast of pancakes and sausage. We will also hold an event raffle with fabulous prizes!

Students are asked to sell 10 event tickets, which were distributed this week.

Students selling event tickets and returning the funds to the band room mailbox by Wednesday, May 4, will receive $5 of trip credit for each ticket sold. Trip credit can be used for any future travel costs including the CWAIM Disneyland trip on June 4th!

Tickets are $15. Raffle tickets will be sold at the event so remember to bring cash. We encourage everyone in the Clovis West Instrumental Music Program to get involved in making this spring fundraiser a great success! All ticket money and extra tickets need to be returned to the band room no later than Wednesday, May 4.

Volunteers are urgently needed for this event. Please follow the link below to sign up: https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=clovwhsb&v=5349622

All students should arrive at Kastner no less than 30 minutes prior to their scheduled performance time. On arrival they can drop off their belongings and spectate / eat if purchasing a ticket. Every performer should be prepared to warm-up/perform 15 minutes prior to their performance time.

Performance Schedule: 

  • 8:00am Wind Symphony

  • 8:20am Symphonic Band

  • 8:40am Concert Band 

  • 9:10am String Orchestra

  • 9:30am Chamber Orchestra

  • 10:10am Color Guard

  • 10:40am Jazz Band

PAS Western Region Day of Percussion

All Clovis West Percussion students should plan to attend the PAS Western Region Day of Percussion at Clovis North High School in the PAC on Saturday April 30th. This will be a great educational experience filled with clinics and masterclasses. The $20 registration fee will be waived as we have enrolled percussion students into student PAS memberships. Percussionists should check their email to activate their student PAS account and should have registered for this event already in class. See Mr. Chesi for assistance with this if necessary. Please plan to attend this event - Full Saturday Schedule.

Signature Chocolate Box Fundraiser 

Chocolate Boxes are still available for selling! Students are able to check out a box of 60 candy bars, each of which sell for $1. Students who check out a box of chocolate will be expected to turn in $60 by May 13th. If a student would like to apply trip credit to the June 4th Disneyland trip, money must be received by May 6th. Boxes will only be checked out one at a time, students will need to turn in $60 before checking out the next box to sell. All proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards the student’s individual trip ledger which can be applied to travel like our Disneyland trip! The final day to turn in sale monies is May 13th.

Disneyland Trip

Students who signed up for the Disneyland trip were either added to a bus and received an official email from Mr. Chesi stating this. If you did not receive an email your student was placed on a waiting list. Parent chaperones will be selected based on interest, need, and available space. Parent chaperones are also asked to submit a $310 payment by May 13th. We are planning on connecting with parents who indicated an interest in chaperoning soon. If you have not yet indicated your interest in chaperoning when submitting your student’s form, please contact us at cloviswestmusic@gmail.com

Trip payments and permission slips are due by May 13, 2022. In order to retain your spot on the trip, this must be completed by that time. Failure to return a printed, signed permission slip and payment either through charms/paypal, cash, or check by May 13 will result in a student being moved to the waiting list, and a student on the waiting list who has completed these tasks moving into a bus spot. 

Again - you must submit a PRINTED signed permission slip (available by clicking this link). If you are in need of a printed copy we can provide them in the band room.

Credit card payments are now available through paypal/charms. If your student is on the waiting list we recommend you submit a permission slip and postdated (May 13th) check for the trip cost. In the event bus spots become open we will take waiting list students in order of time their initial form was received ONLY IF we have received all other forms/payment.

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wish list above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CWAIM Handbook

Our 2021-2022 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2021. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form at the beginning of the semester, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. 

CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Weekly Notes 04.21.2022

Coming Up This Week

Thursday 4/21- CB/SB/WS/CG Kastner Parent Meet and Greet 5:30pm Rodeo Parade Rehearsal 6:00-8:30pm

Friday 4/22- World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser Start, WS at San Joaquin Valley Concert Band Invitational @ CUSD PAC, 2:50pm Performance

Saturday 4/23- CB/SB/WS/CG Clovis Rodeo Parade approximately 8:00am-12:00pm

Monday 4/25 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm-5:00pm

Wednesday 4/27- JB Rehearsal 3:00-5:00pm

Friday 4/29 - MB - Spring rally 2nd period

Saturday 4/30 - Percussion - PAS Western Region Day of Percussion

Next Week(s):

Monday 5/2 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Tuesday 5/3 - JB CW & Kastner Spring Jazz Concert 7pm (Soundcheck 5:15-5:45pm), CG Dance Recital Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Wednesday 5/4 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Friday 5/6 - JB @ Law Day (Yosemite National Park)  6am-3:30pm

Saturday 5/7 - ALL - Pancakes and Performances! 8:00am - 11:30am 

Pancakes and Performances

The event will take place on Saturday, May 7th from 8:00 – 11:30 a.m., in the Kastner Intermediate MPR. As always, the morning will be full of great performances and a delicious breakfast of pancakes and sausage. We will also hold an event raffle with fabulous prizes!

Students are asked to sell 10 event tickets, which were distributed this week.

Students selling event tickets and returning the funds to the band room mailbox by Wednesday, May 4, will receive $5 of trip credit for each ticket sold. Trip credit can be used for any future travel costs including the CWAIM Disneyland trip on June 4th!

Tickets are $15. Raffle tickets will be sold at the event so remember to bring cash. We encourage everyone in the Clovis West Instrumental Music Program to get involved in making this spring fundraiser a great success! All ticket money and extra tickets need to be returned to the band room no later than Wednesday, May 4

Volunteers are urgently needed for this event. Please follow the link below to sign up: https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=clovwhsb&v=5349622

Performance Schedule: 

  • 8:00am Wind Symphony

  • 8:20am Symphonic Band

  • 8:40am Concert Band 

  • 9:10am String Orchestra

  • 9:30am Chamber Orchestra

  • 10:10am Color Guard

  • 10:40am Jazz Band

Rodeo Parade Rehearsal and Meet & Greet - Tonight (4/21)

We want to remind everyone that all band and guard students should plan to attend rehearsal this evening from 6 -  8:30pm rain or shine. We are hoping the rain holds off , but it would be wise to plan to bring a jacket / something warm and an umbrella. We will be working outside for a portion of the rehearsal, regardless of rain, but will work to keep fragile instruments safe from water.

We are planning on feeding students around 7:30-45, and then grouping back up and performing afterward. Current forecasts have more significant rain after about 7:30, we are going to plan on inviting parents to join us in the Clovis West MPR to hear students play through their parade music prior to the Saturday performance in an indoor space free of rain.

We also want to make sure everyone is aware of a parent meet and greet occurring at 5:30pm. We are hoping to have as many parents there as possible to welcome some of our new Kastner parents. There will be light refreshments and opportunities to meet and network with other band parents.

Sorry we can't control the weather, but we are looking forward to working with students and seeing many parents tomorrow evening. In the event we can't perform on the track field we will communicate an alternative performance location if we can acquire one. See you all soon!

Rodeo Parade - Saturday 4/23

EVERY Band and Guard student (including concert band) is expected to participate in the Clovis Rodeo Parade on April 23. We will be bussing to the parade site from Clovis West. We haven’t received a final schedule so this may change, but as of now please plan to report to Clovis West no later than 7:15am (note slightly earlier time. If you do not have the proper attire (CW instrumental music shirt / guard apparel) please remedy this NOW. We have a limited amount of loaner CW shirts available, but if you would like to purchase a shirt please bring $15 and let us know you are in need. The weather should be great for the parade this year, but again please remember sunscreen and eat a healthy breakfast. We hope to be able to return to Clovis West by 12:00pm, but times may vary. Parents, please encourage students to communicate with you when leaving Old Town Clovis.

We are still looking for more parent volunteers to walk with the band during the parade and provide water. If you are willing and available, please let us know. Thanks!

PAS Western Region Day of Percussion

All Clovis West Percussion students should plan to attend the PAS Western Region Day of Percussion at Clovis North High School in the PAC on Saturday April 30th. This will be a great educational experience filled with clinics and masterclasses. The $20 registration fee will be waived as we have enrolled percussion students into student PAS memberships. Percussionists should check their email to activate their student PAS account. See Mr. Chesi for assistance with this if necessary. Please plan to attend this event - Info Flyer.

World’s Finest Chocolate Box Fundraiser 

Starting Friday (4/22) we will be starting our Chocolate Box fundraiser! Students will be able to check out a box of 60 candy bars, each of which sell for $1. Students who check out a box of chocolate will be expected to turn in $60 by May 6th. Boxes will only be checked out one at a time, students will need to turn in $60 before checking out the next box to sell. All proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards the student’s individual trip ledger which can be applied to travel like our Disneyland trip! All sale monies must be turned in by May 6th to be applied to the upcoming Disneyland trip.

Disneyland Trip

Students who signed up for the Disneyland trip were either added to a bus and received an official email from Mr. Chesi stating this. If you did not receive an email your student was placed on a waiting list. Parent chaperones will be selected based on interest, need, and available space. Parent chaperones are also asked to submit a $310 payment by May 13th. We are planning on connecting with parents who indicated an interest in chaperoning next week. If you have not yet indicated your interest in chaperoning when submitting your student’s form, please contact us at cloviswestmusic@gmail.com

Trip payments and permission slips will be due by May 13, 2022. In order to retain your spot on the trip, this must be completed by that time. Failure to return a printed, signed permission slip and payment either through charms/paypal, cash, or check by May 13 will result in a student being moved to the waiting list, and a student on the waiting list who has completed these tasks moving into a bus spot. We hope to have the ability to take credit card payments through paypal/charms set up by midweek next week. If your student is on the waiting list we recommend you submit a permission slip and postdated (May 13th) check for the trip cost. In the event bus spots become open we will take waiting list students in order of time their initial form was received ONLY IF we have received all other forms/payment.

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wish list above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CWAIM Handbook

Our 2021-2022 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2021. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form at the beginning of the semester, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. 

CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Weekly Notes 04.07.2022

Coming Up This Week

Friday - Optional Powder Puff Pep Band 3pm-4:30pm

4/9-4/18 - Spring Break

Wednesday 4/20 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm-5:00pm

Thursday 4/21- CB/SB/WS/CG Kastner Parent Meet and Greet 5:30pm Rodeo Parade Rehearsal 6:00-8:30pm

Friday 4/22- Worlds Finest Chocolate Fundraiser Start, WS at San Joaquin Valley Concert Band Invitational @ CUSD PAC, 2:50pm Performance

Saturday 4/23- CB/SB/WS/CG Clovis Rodeo Parade approximately 8:00am-12:00pm

Next Week(s):

Monday 4/25 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm-5:00pm

Wednesday 4/27- JB Rehearsal 3:00-5:00pm

Saturday 4/30 - PAS Western Region Day of Percussion

Powder Puff Pep Band

Marching Band students are invited to participate in a Pep Band in the bleachers at the powder puff game Friday (tomorrow) at 3:00pm till approximately 4:30pm. Wear ANY CWAIM instrumental music shirt. The weather will be warm - bring water and sunscreen!

Chipotle Fundraiser

Thanks to everyone who shared our fundraiser and came out to Chipotle yesterday. We raised over $475 for the program. We will let you know about our next dinner night soon!

Rodeo Parade - Saturday

EVERY Band and Guard student (including concert band) is expected to participate in the Clovis Rodeo Parade on April 23. We will be bussing to the parade site from Clovis West. We haven’t received a final schedule so this may change, but as of now please plan to report to Clovis West no later than 7:30am. If you do not have the proper attire (CW instrumental music shirt / guard apparel) please remedy this in the next week. We have a limited amount of loaner CW shirts available, but if you would like to purchase a shirt please bring $15 and let us know you are in need. The weather should be great for the parade this year, but again please remember sunscreen and eat a healthy breakfast. We hope to be able to return to Clovis West by 12:00pm, but times may vary. Parents, please encourage students to communicate with you when leaving Old Town Clovis.

We are still looking for more parent volunteers to walk with the band during the parade and provide water. If you are willing and available, please let us know. Thanks!

Rodeo Parade Practice - Thursday 4/21 6:00pm-8:30pm

Thursday April 21st ALL band and color guard students should plan to meet on campus to rehearse for the Rodeo Parade. We will rehearse along with At the conclusion of this rehearsal there will be pizza and refreshments. The weather should be cooler in the evening, but please remember sunscreen and proper footwear. 

There will be a ‘Meet & Greet’ for CW and Kastern Parents starting at 5:30pm. We encourage all parents to come get to know each other! 

PAS Western Region Day of Percussion

All Clovis West Percussion students should plan to attend the PAS Western Region Day of Percussion at Clovis North High School in the PAC on Saturday April 30th. This will be a great educational experience filled with clinics and masterclasses. The $20 registration fee will be waived as we have enrolled percussion students into student PAS memberships. Please plan to attend this event - Info Flyer.

World’s Finest Chocolate Box Fundraiser 

Starting Friday (4/22) we will be starting our Chocolate Box fundraiser! Students will be able to check out a box of 60 candy bars, each of which sell for $1. Students who check out a box of chocolate will be expected to turn in $60 by the end of the fundraiser. Boxes will only be checked out one at a time, students will need to turn in $60 before checking out the next box to sell. All proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards the student’s individual trip ledger which can be applied to travel like our Disneyland trip!

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wishlist above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CWAIM Handbook

Our 2021-2022 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2021. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form at the beginning of the semester, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. 

CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Weekly Notes 03.31.2022

Coming Up This Week

Friday 4/1 - Hanford Jazz Festival, SJVCGPR Championships @ Clovis North High School

Monday 4/4 - PE Testing Marching Band Students not enrolled in a PE class 6:30am, JB Rehearsal 3:00pm-5:00pm, Parent Meeting 7:00pm

Tuesday 4/5 - CMEA @ Washington Union HS (WS, SB, & CB)

Wednesday 4/6 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm-5:00pm, Chipotle Dinner Fundraiser 4:00-8:00pm

Next Week(s):

4/9-4/18 - Spring Break

Thursday 4/21- CB/SB/WS/CG Rodeo Parade Rehearsal 6:00-9:00pm

Wednesday 4/20 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm-5:00pm

Friday 4/22- WS at San Joaquin Valley Concert Band Invitational @ CUSD PAC, 2:50pm Performance

Saturday 4/23- CB/SB/WS/CG Clovis Rodeo Parade approximately 8:00am-12:00pm

Parent Meeting - Monday April 4, 7:00PM 

We are holding a parent meeting on Monday 4/4 at 7pm in the band room. This meeting will detail some plans for the summer (including things like Disney) as well as some opportunities for parents to become more involved with assisting our program. We also want to get your input and hear what you have to say. We really would like to see parents from every instrumental music area (guard, orchestra, jazz, concert band) as well as marching band parents. We have a lot of opportunities, and would like to engage with as many of you as we can. 

Rodeo Parade - Saturday

EVERY Band and Guard student (including concert band) is expected to participate in the Clovis Rodeo Parade on April 23. We will be bussing to the parade site from Clovis West. Please plan to report to Clovis West no later than 7:30am. If you do not have the proper attire (CW instrumental music shirt / guard apparel) please remedy this in the next week. We have a limited amount of loaner CW shirts available, but if you would like to purchase a shirt please bring $15 and let us know you are in need. The weather should be great for the parade this year, but again please remember sunscreen and eat a healthy breakfast. We hope to be able to return to Clovis West by 12:00pm, but times may vary. Parents, please encourage students to communicate with you when leaving Old Town Clovis.

We are still looking for more parent volunteers to walk with the band during the parade and provide water. If you are willing and available, please let us know. Thanks!

Rodeo Parade Practice - Thursday 4/21 6:00pm-9:00pm

Thursday April 21st ALL band and color guard students should plan to meet on campus to rehearse for the Rodeo Parade. We will rehearse along with At the conclusion of this rehearsal there will be pizza and refreshments. The weather should be cooler in the evening, but please remember sunscreen and proper footwear. 

CMEA Band Festival at Washington Union High School 

On Tuesday April 5, the Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band, and Concert Band will perform at the California Music Educators Association Festival held at Washington Union High School. Students will report to the band room at approximately 11:00am, then ride a bus over to Washing Union.

  • 11:00am Students released from class, head to band room, and load buses

  • ~12:10pm Arrive at Washington Union

  • 1:25pm Concert Band Performance

  • 3:05pm Symphonic Band Performance

  • 4:05pm Wind Symphony Performance

  • ~5:10pm Buses Depart Washington Union for CW

  • ~6:00pm Arrive at CW

Following the performance and clinic of the Wind Symphony, students in all performing groups will ride the bus back to CWHS, arriving at approximately 6:00pm.

Hanford Jazz

Jazz students will be participating in the Hanford Jazz Festival on Friday 4/1. Students should report to the band room at the conclusion of 1st period. Students will perform at 11:05. After the student performance/clinic, students will have an opportunity to eat lunch at Superior Dairy before returning to Clovis West at 2pm. 

PE Testing

If you are currently NOT taking a PE class as a result of completing Marching Band for at least two semesters, you will need to report to zero period on Monday April 4th to complete mandatory district PE testing. If you have questions please reach out to Mr. Chesi or Mr. Castro.

Volunteers Needed for SJVCGPR Championships

Clovis West Instrumental Music is co-hosting the SJVCGPR (San Joaquin Valley Color Guard and Percussion Review) competition on the evening of Friday, April 1st at Clovis North High School. As a co-host we provide volunteers to help the event run smoothly and for this we share in the profits. This is a very profitable fundraiser for our instrumental music program.

At this competition, we are in charge of staffing the small gym, where the Jr. High Percussion and Color Guard competition will take place. Adult and student volunteers are needed. No skills are required. And this is a great way for you to get involved and meet some new people while experiencing another area of our instrumental music program that you might not be familiar with. And every volunteer receives a free entrance pass to check out the performances. As a reminder, tickets are a bit more for this show, and volunteering guarantees you entry to both gyms. Pricing for Championships: is $15 Adult, $10 Student, $10 Seniors (32+) & Military.

Volunteer opportunities include ticket and merchandise sales, staffing entrance and exit doors, and assisting with spectator traffic flow. Since the funds raised from hosting these events benefit the entire CW Instrumental Music program, we strongly encourage everyone to participate – band families, orchestra families, jazz band families, and of course, percussion and color guard families. 

Sign up here: https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=clovwhsb&v=5304951 

Chipotle Dinner Fundraiser- Wednesday April 6 4:00-8:00pm

Wednesday April 6th from 4-8pm Chipotle will donate ⅓ of proceeds to our program. You must present our flier for your purchase to qualify. Please share this link with your friends and family. Click Here to share this fundraiser on Facebook. You can download and print a flier by clicking on this link.

LAST CHANCE - San Joaquin Valley Concert Band Invitational UCLA Concert Tickets

Friday April 22nd Wind Symphony students will be participating in the San Joaquin Valley Concert Band Festival. Their performance is at 2:50pm. Following the participant performances, there will be a Gala Concert at 7:30pm. This concert will feature the Clovis North Wind Ensemble, and the UCLA Wind Ensemble. Tickets for this performance are normally $10 but can be pre-ordered here for $5. All orders must be in by TONIGHT. Payment can be in the form of check or cash in the band room box. Please contact Mr. Chesi at bryanchesi@cusd.com if you have questions.

Link to pre-order tickets

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wishlist above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CWAIM Handbook

Our 2021-2022 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2021. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form at the beginning of the semester, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. 

CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Color Guard Schedule for SJVCGPR Finals, 04.01.2022

SJVCGPR Show # 5

Color Guard

Location: Clovis North High School

Click here to download a PDF of the Schedule and a Map of Clovis North

Kastner Schedule:
4:30PM Report time at Clovis North 

7:00 PM Kastner warms up 

8:00 PM Walk to Perform

8:12 PM Kastner performs

8:15 PM Fold the floor

8:20 PM Awards

8:40 PM Students can be signed out at the conclusion of awards with either Klarissa or Jenny

CWHS Schedule:
4:30PM Report time at Clovis North

5:00 PM In lines ready to walk to warm up

5:10 PM Warm up starts

6:25 PM Walk to gym

6:37 PM Perform

8:12 PM Kastner performs

10:00 PM High school awards (students are free to leave after)

Weekly Notes 03.24.2022

Coming Up This Week

Saturday 3/26 - Winter Percussion 9:00am-1:00pm

Monday 3/28 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm-5:00pm

Tuesday 3/29 - Winter Percussion 6:00pm-9:00pm,  Winter Guard 5:30 - 9:00pm @ Kastner

Wednesday 3/30 - CUSD Adv Band Festival (WS) 

Thursday 3/31 - CUSD Beg/Int Band Festival (CB & SB),  Winter Percussion 6:00pm-9:00pm,  Winter Guard 5:30 - 9:00pm @ Kastner

Friday 4/1 - Hanford Jazz Festival, SJVCGPR Championships @ Clovis North High School

Next Week(s):

Monday 4/4 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm-5:00pm, Parent Meeting 7pm

Tuesday 4/5 - CMEA @ Washington Union HS (WS, SB, & CB)

Wednesday 4/6 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm-5:00pm, Chipotle Dinner Fundraiser 4:00-8:00pm

4/9-4/18 - Spring Break

See’s Candy 1:30 on Friday 3/25

See’s Candy has arrived and is waiting to be sorted in the band room. We are in need of several parent volunteers to sort orders so that they can be picked up tomorrow after school. If you are able, please contact Jen McDougal at jenmcdougal@sbcglobal.net and plan to come sort candy in the band room beginning at 1:30pm tomorrow.

Parent Meeting - Monday April 4, 7:00PM 

We would like to hold a parent meeting on Monday 4/4 at 7pm in the band room. This meeting will detail some plans for the summer (including things like Disney) as well as some opportunities for parents to become more involved with assisting our program. We really would like to see parents from every instrumental music area (guard, orchestra, jazz, concert band) as well as marching band parents. We have a lot of opportunities, and would like to engage with as many of you as we can. 

CUSD Band Festival March 30 & 31

This upcoming week, the Clovis Unified School District Concert Band Festival will be held at the Paul Shaghoian Concert hall on the Clovis North Campus. On Wednesday, the Wind Symphony will be released from class at 11:30am, ride a bus over to CN, watch performances by other CUSD schools, and perform at 2:00pm. Students will be done at approximately 4:30pm, and will be available to be picked up at that time- there is not a bus to return to CWHS. Similarly, on Thursday the Symphonic Band & Concert Band will be released from class at 11:30am, ride a bus over to CN, perform at 1:00pm, and watch performances by other CUSD schools. Students will be done at approximately 4:45pm, and will be available to be picked up at that time- there is not a bus to return to CWHS. 

CMEA Band Festival at Washington Union High School 

On Tuesday April 5, the Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band, and Concert Band will perform at the California Music Educators Association Festival held at Washington Union High School. Students will report to the band room at approximately 11:15am, then ride a bus over to Washing Union.

  • 1:25pm Concert Band Performance

  • 3:05pm Symphonic Band Performance

  • 4:05pm Wind Symphony Performance

Following the performance and clinic of the Wind Symphony, students in all performing groups will ride the bus back to CWHS, arriving at approximately 6:45pm.

Hanford Jazz

Jazz students will be participating in the Hanford Jazz Festival on Friday 4/1. Students should report to the band room at the conclusion of first period. Students will perform at 11:05. After the student performance/clinic, students will have an opportunity to eat lunch at Superior Dairy before returning to Clovis West at 2pm. 

PE Testing

If you are currently NOT taking a PE class as a result of completing Marching Band for at least two semesters, you will need to report to zero period on Monday April 4th to complete mandatory district PE testing. If you have questions please reach out to Mr. Chesi or Mr. Castro.

SJVCGPR Volunteers Needed for Show #5 (Championship Finals)

Clovis West Instrumental Music is co-hosting the SJVCGPR (San Joaquin Valley Color Guard and Percussion Review) competition on the evening of Friday, April 1st at Clovis North High School. As a co-host we provide volunteers to help the event run smoothly and for this we share in the profits. This is a very profitable fundraiser for our instrumental music program.

At this competition, we are in charge of staffing the small gym, where the Jr. High Percussion and Color Guard competition will take place. Adult and student volunteers are needed. No skills are required. And this is a great way for you to get involved and meet some new people while experiencing another area of our instrumental music program that you might not be familiar with. And every volunteer receives a free entrance pass to check out the performances.

Volunteer opportunities include ticket and merchandise sales, staffing entrance and exit doors, and assisting with spectator traffic flow. Since the funds raised from hosting these events benefit the entire CW Instrumental Music program, we strongly encourage everyone to participate – band families, orchestra families, jazz band families, and of course, percussion and color guard families. 

Sign up here: https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=clovwhsb&v=5304951 

Chipotle Dinner Fundraiser- Wednesday April 6 4:00-8:00pm

Wednesday April 6th from 4-8pm Chipotle will donate ⅓ of proceeds to our program. You must present our flier for your purchase to qualify. Please share this link with your friends and family. Click Here to share this fundraiser on Facebook. You can download and print a flier by clicking on this link.

San Joaquin Valley Concert Band Invitational UCLA Concert Tickets

Friday April 22nd Wind Symphony students will be participating in the San Joaquin Valley Concert Band Festival. Their performance is at 2:50pm. Following the participant performances, there will be a Gala Concert at 7:30pm. This concert will feature the Clovis North Wind Ensemble, and the UCLA Wind Ensemble. Tickets for this performance are normally $10 but can be pre-ordered here for $5. All orders must be in by 3/31. Payment can be in the form of check or cash in the band room box. Please contact Mr. Chesi at bryanchesi@cusd.com if you have questions.

Link to pre-order tickets

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wishlist above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CWAIM Handbook

Our 2021-2022 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2021. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form at the beginning of the semester, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. 

CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Weekly Notes 03.20.2022

Coming Up This Week

Monday 3/21 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm-5:00pm

Tuesday 3/22 - Winter Percussion 6:00pm-9:00pm,  Winter Guard 5:30 - 9:00pm @ Kastner

Wednesday 3/23 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm-5:00pm

Thursday 3/24  - CO & SO CMEA Orchestra Festival 11:20am-7:00pm @ Tulare Union HS, Winter Percussion 6:00pm-9:00pm,  Winter Guard 5:30 - 9:00pm @ Kastner

Saturday 3/26 - Winter Percussion 9:00am-1:00pm

Next Week(s):

Monday 3/28 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm-5:00pm

Tuesday 3/29 - Winter Percussion 6:00pm-9:00pm,  Winter Guard 5:30 - 9:00pm @ Kastner

Wednesday 3/30 - CUSD Adv Band Festival (WS),  JB Rehearsal 3:00pm-5:00pm, 

Thursday 3/31 - CUSD Beg/Int Band Festival (CB & SB),  Winter Percussion 6:00pm-9:00pm,  Winter Guard 5:30 - 9:00pm @ Kastner

Friday 4/1 - Hanford Jazz Festival, SJVCGPR Championships @ Clovis North High School

CW Orchestras at Tulare CMEA Festival- Thursday 3/24

The String and Chamber Orchestras will be having their final festival of the year at Tulare Union High School on Thursday 3/24. We are still in need of adult chaperones for this trip! If you are at all interested in chaperoning, please feel to reach out to Mr. Humphreys at kylehumphreys@cusd.com . Student itineraries have been emailed, posted on student Google Classrooms, and handed out in class. If you would like more information about the event please email Mr. Humphreys at kylehumphreys@cusd.com

SJVCGPR Volunteers Needed for Show #5 (Championship Finals)

Clovis West Instrumental Music is co-hosting the SJVCGPR (San Joaquin Valley Color Guard and Percussion Review) competition on the evening of Friday, April 1st at Clovis North High School. As a co-host we provide volunteers to help the event run smoothly and for this we share in the profits. This is a very profitable fundraiser for our instrumental music program.

This year, we are responsible for staffing the Percussion Gym (where all of the percussion groups perform in competition). Adult and student volunteers are needed. No skills are required. And this is a great way for you to get involved and meet some new people while experiencing another area of our instrumental music program that you might not be familiar with. And every volunteer receives a free entrance pass to check out the performances.

Volunteer opportunities include ticket and merchandise sales, staffing entrance and exit doors, and assisting with spectator traffic flow. Since the funds raised from hosting these events benefit the entire CW Instrumental Music program, we strongly encourage everyone to participate – band families, orchestra families, jazz band families, and of course, percussion and color guard families.

We will send out an email later this week with information for how to sign up for volunteering shifts.

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wishlist above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CWAIM Handbook

Our 2021-2022 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2021. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form at the beginning of the semester, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. 

CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Color Guard Schedule for SJVCGPR Show #4 03.18.2022

SJVCGPR Show # 4
Location: Clovis North High School

Click here to download a PDF of the schedule and a map

Kastner Color Guard Schedule: 

  • 1:00 PM Meet at Kastner Band room

  • 1:30 PM Leave for Clovis North

  • 4:40 PM Kastner warms up 

  • 5:40 PM Walk to Perform

  • 5:51 PM Kastner performs

  • 6:10 PM Fold the floor

  • 8:15 PM Awards

  • 8:40 PM Students can be signed out at the conclusion of awards with either Klarissa or Jenny

CWHS Color Guard Schedule:

  • 5:10 PM Report time at Clovis North

  • 5:40 PM Report to gym

  • 5:51 PM Kastner performs

  • 6:15 PM In lines ready to walk to warm up

  • 6:30 PM Warm up starts

  • 7:45 PM Walk to gym

  • 8:06 PM Perform

  • 8:20 PM High school awards (students are free to leave after)

Weekly Notes 03.10.2022

Coming Up This Week

Saturday 3/12 - FMCMEA Orchestra Rehearsal 9am-11am & Concert 12:00 noon @ CN PAC, WP/WG–SCC Indoor @ SaveMart Center

Monday 3/14 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm-5:00pm

Tuesday 3/15 - CO CUSD Orchestra Festival 11:45am-4:00pm @ CN PAC, Winter Percussion 6:00pm-9:00pm,  Winter Guard 5:30 - 9:00pm @ Kastner

Wednesday 3/16 - SO CUSD Orchestra Festival 11:45-4:15pm @ CN PAC, JB Rehearsal 3:00pm-5:00pm

Thursday 3/17 - JB Fresno City College Jazz Festival 11:00am-6:15pm, Winter Percussion 6:00pm-9:00pm,  Winter Guard 5:30 - 9:00pm @ Kastner

Friday 3/18 - See’s Candy order forms are due, Apparel orders are due, SJVCGPR Show #4 @ Clovis North High School

Saturday 3/19 - WS Sutherland Wind Festival 1:40-5:00pm @ Fresno State (Stay after for Gala Concert if possible)

Next Week(s):

Monday 3/22 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm-5:00pm

Tuesday 3/23 - Winter Percussion 6:00pm-9:00pm,  Winter Guard 5:30 - 9:00pm @ Kastner

Wednesday 3/24 - JB Rehearsal 3:00pm-5:00pm

Thursday 3/25 - CO & SO CMEA Orchestra Festival 11:20am-7:00pm @ Tulare Union HS, Winter Percussion 6:00pm-9:00pm,  Winter Guard 5:30 - 9:00pm @ Kastner

Saturday 3/26 - Winter Percussion 9:00am-1:00pm

See’s Candies Fundraiser

We have distributed See’s Candies fundraiser materials to everyone who would like to participate. Half of each student’s proceeds will go toward their individual trip credit - this can be used for future travel. If you would like more materials or a digital copy please contact us. See’s Candy order forms are due on Friday March 18.

CUSD Orchestra Festival - Tuesday March 15th and Wednesday March 16th

Orchestra students will be performing in the annual CUSD Orchestra Festival next week at the Performing Arts Center on the Clovis North Campus. 4th Period Chamber Orchestra students will be performing on Tuesday March 15th, and 3rd Period String Orchestra students will be performing on Wednesday March 16th. Please be aware that students participating on either day will need to be picked up at the PAC when the festival ends at 4:15pm. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Humphreys at kylehumphreys@cusd.com 

CUSD Orchestra Festival Chaperones Needed! 

We are in need of about two adult volunteers to chaperone the CUSD Orchestra Festivals on March 15th and March 16th. If you are interested in chaperoning, please contact Mr. Humphreys via email at kylehumphreys@cusd.com

New CWAIM Apparel

We are offering new Clovis West Spirit Wear. Please visit the charms store and place your order for a t-shirt, long sleeve t-shirt or sweatshirt. This is a fundraiser for the entire Clovis West Instrumental Music program. Please check out the charms store for more information. Orders are due by March 18. 

Sierra Cup Classic Indoor 

This Saturday March 12 the CW Color Guard & Winter Percussion will participate in the inaugural Sierra Cup Classic Indoor competition at the SaveMart Center! The CW Guard performs at 11:41AM & The CW Percussion performs at 4:35pm. General admission cost is $13 per person, parking costs $5.

Fresno City College Jazz Festival

Jazz Students will travel to Fresno City college on Thursday 3/17 to participate in the Fresno City College Jazz Festival. Bus transportation will be provided to and from the festival, with students returning at approximately 6:15pm. If you would like to attend the festival, feel free to come spectate. Our Jazz Band performs at 4:25pm. Anyone planning on spectating should have proof of vaccination on hand or proof of a negative COVID test result within the past 72 hours. Masking is required on the Fresno City College Campus, and it will be enforced.

Dr. Lawrence R. Sutherland Wind Festival at Fresno State University

Wind Symphony will perform at the annual Dr. Lawrence R. Sutherland Wind Festival Saturday, March 19th in the Fresno State Concert Hall. Admission is $8.00 adults and $5.00 for seniors and students. Wind Symphony performs at 3:40pm. One ticket is good for most of the weekend’s concerts. There is a separate ticket for the Saturday evening GALA CONCERT. Please see section below for that information. For all other festival concerts admission is first come, first served and the prices are $8.00 General Admission and $5.00 for Seniors/Students.

Saturday Evening GALA CONCERT: As is tradition with the Dr. Lawrence R. Sutherland Wind Festival, The Fresno State Wind Orchestra and Wind Symphony of Clovis (which Mr. Chesi and Mr. Malatesta perform in) will be featured in the Saturday evening GALA CONCERT. The concert begins at 8pm and requires a special GALA CONCERT ADMISSION TICKET: prices are $15.00 General Admission, $10.00 for Seniors and $10.00 for Students. Tickets for the Gala concert WILL sell out - purchase them in advance by visiting this link.

SJVCGPR Volunteers Needed for Show #4

Clovis West Instrumental Music is co-hosting the SJVCGPR (San Joaquin Valley Color Guard and Percussion Review) competition on the evening of Friday, March 18th at Clovis North High School. As a co-host we provide volunteers to help the event run smoothly and for this we share in the profits. This is a very profitable fundraiser for our instrumental music program.

This year, we are responsible for staffing the Percussion Gym (where all of the percussion groups perform in competition). Adult and student volunteers are needed. No skills are required. And this is a great way for you to get involved and meet some new people while experiencing another area of our instrumental music program that you might not be familiar with. And every volunteer receives a free entrance pass to check out the performances.

Volunteer opportunities include ticket and merchandise sales, staffing entrance and exit doors, and assisting with spectator traffic flow. Shifts are from 4:30-7:00pm and 6:45-9:15pm. Since the funds raised from hosting these events benefit the entire CW Instrumental Music program, we strongly encourage everyone to participate – band families, orchestra families, jazz band families, and of course, percussion and color guard families.

Click Here to sign up: https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=clovwhsb&v=5304949 

Amazon Wishlist

Our Wish List is back and we need your help! We will update this list periodically with things that the program needs and can use. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Clovis West and will be put straight to good use improving the music experience for our students! We have recently added many items. We do want to give a big thank you to all the families who have supported us already by purchasing items on our list!

Please view our wish list at http://a.co/0Ydb9Dd

CWAIM Wishlist

In addition to the Amazon wishlist above, we have a shared list of other items we intend to purchase in the future. If you would like to support us by purchasing an instrument or other item best not purchased through amazon, please check our list at:


CWAIM Handbook

Our 2021-2022 handbook is available online by visiting bit.ly/CWAIMHandbook2021. Please visit this link and read up on our policies and procedures. Students were provided a signature form at the beginning of the semester, but if you didn’t receive it you may download a digital copy by visiting this link or printing the attached file. 

CB: Concert Band • CG: Colorguard • CO: Chamber Orchestra • JB: Jazz Band • MB: Marching Band • WP: Winter Percussion • SO: String Orchestra • SB: Symphonic Band • WS: Wind Symphony

Color Guard Schedule for SCC Indoor - 03.12.2022

Click Here to download a PDF of the schedule and map

Location: Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno, CA 93710

Kastner Color Guard Schedule: 

  • 8:00 AM Meet at Save Mart Center

  • 8:20 AM Walk to warm up

  • 8:30AM Kastner warms up 

  • 9:40 AM Walk to SMC

  • 10:00 AM Kastner performs

  • 10:10 AM Fold the floor

  • 12:35 PM Awards

  • 1:00 PM Students can be signed out with Klarissa at the meeting spot. 
 * Meeting spot is in red on the map

CWHS Color Guard Schedule:

 9:00 AM Report time at Save Mart Center

  • 9:40 AM Report to performance area

  • 10:00 AM Kastner performs

  • 10:15 AM In lines ready to walk to warm up

  • 10:31 AM Warm up starts

  • 11:21 AM Walk to SMC

  • 11:41 AM Perform

  • 12:35 PM High school awards (students are free to leave after)